Become a GLOBE U.S. Partner - United States of America
Become a GLOBE U.S. Partner
What Is the Role of a GLOBE Partner?
U.S. GLOBE Partners facilitate the implementation of the GLOBE Program in their state or service area. Partners support educator professional development, student inquiry and research on the environment.
GLOBE Partners have three main responsibilities:
- Recruit educators to the GLOBE Program.
- Provide training on using GLOBE protocols to collect and enter data into the GLOBE database.
- Provide support and mentorship to educators to ensure the sustainability and growth of the GLOBE Program.
What Are the Benefits of Becoming a GLOBE Partner?
- Enhance what you offer to your current audience by adding GLOBE scientific data collection protocols and resources for student research.
- Be eligible for funding opportunities available to GLOBE Partners.
- Share best practices with a network of organizations dedicated to learning about and broadening participation in Earth Systems Science.
- Gain access to resources and events for your professional learning.
- Take advantage of international collaboration through GLOBE's network of 125+ participating countries.
- Use GLOBE to provide learners with new and impactful opportunities.

Who Is Eligible?
- Institutions of higher education
- School districts
- Libraries
- State Departments of Education
- Recognized informal education organizations (501c3) such as STEM learning centers, museums, or foundations
How to Become a U.S. GLOBE Partner
The process below is for organizations within the United States. For countries outside of the U.S., please contact the GLOBE Implementation Office.
Review the Responsibilities and Expectations of GLOBE Partners (pdf).
Download the Partner Letter Template (.docx) and complete with the appropriate information for your organization.
Send the completed letter to Jennifer Bourgeault, U.S. Country Coordinator, by uploading it to this folder.
Your letter will be reviewed and an official response will be sent to your organization. A link to a Partnership Form will be included in the letter, to be completed with organizational information so that your GLOBE Partnership page can be generated.
A member of the U.S. GLOBE team will connect with you about onboarding and training.
Active GLOBE Partnerships