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Student Research Symposia Project Review

At the virtual SRS, student presentations will be played as recorded videos. Students will also have time to discuss their research with STEM professionals and their peers. 

STEM professionals Review

STEM professionals will also provide written feedback that will be shared with the teams after the event. Comments and questions will address:

Research Question
  • Are objectives clear and focused and answerable?

Research Methods
  • Does the project use GLOBE protocols or data?
  • Do the researchers define what is being observed or measured? 
  • Is there a well-designed research plan?

  • Do results show or summarize observations through text, graphics, mathematics, statistics, stories and/or illustrations?
  • Are interpretations are supported by data?

  • Are findings put in context?
  • Are future plans or research possibilities described?
  • Is there acknowledgement of scientific literature, data and/or local knowledge?

  • Does the presentation have logical organization?
  • Are visualizations are clear?
  • Do the presenters demostrate understanding of project science and local relevance to community?

Peer Review

Students will have a peer review form to use during the presentation to note strengths, questions, and areas for improvement. They will have the chance to share their comments and questions with other project teams. Discussion question sentence starters will be provided. 
Students discuss their research poster with a scientist at the Northeast & Mid-Atlantic SRS.