

2024 Peer-reviewed Publications

  • Abdelkader, M., Bravo, J., Temimi, M., Brown, D.R.N., Spellman, K.V.,  Arp, C.D., Bondurant, A., Kohl, H. (2024). A Google Earth Engine platform to integrate multi-satellite and citizen science data for the monitoring of river ice dynamics. Remote Sensing 16(8):1368. (Includes use of GLOBE observations)
  • Clement, S., Spellman, K. V., Eidam, E., Langhorst, T., Arp, C., Davis, J., Pavelsky, T, & Bondurant, A. (2024). How do you sample a frozen river? Increasing K-12 STEM engagement through real-world problem solving and scientific research. Connected Science Learning, 1-11.

  • Engram, M., Meyer, F.J., Brown, D.R.N., Clement, S., Bondurant, A., Spellman, K.V.,  Oxtoby, L.,  Arp, C.D. (2024). Detecting early winter open-water zones on Alaska rivers using dual-polarized C-band Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Remote Sensing of Environment. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2024.114096. (Includes use of GLOBE observations)

2024 Technical Publications:

  • Buffington, C. (2024). Two Days in Mikawa Bay and 2,000 Nautical Miles Later: Ocean Literacy and Leadership with GLOBE on the Tall Ship MIRAIE. Ocean Newsletter No.579 (September 20, 2024).

  • *Chowdhury, M.H. (2024).(First-year LL.B. student, The University of Chittagong). 2024. Assessing Ocean Health: Analyzing Seawater Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Levels Aboard the "MIRAIE". Ocean Newsletter No.579 (September 20, 2024)

  • Sousa, E., Spellman, K.V., Buurman, H., Chase, M.J., Heeringa, K., Pittas, M., Bostwick, S.,Sparrow, E.B., Guala, G., Atti, R., Banner, M., Brown, S., Carl, J., Dowty, S., ^Gray, B., Holley, T.,  Holley, S., Johnson, I., Martin, L., Mathew, R., Merrick, C.,  Metteba, B.  Rutherford-Gobert, T.,  Vidal Meza, A. (2024) UNBOUND for Food Energy and Water in Tribal Communities – Outcomes and Recommendations Report. Prepared for NASA Earth Science Data Systems UNBOUND Program. University of Alaska Fairbanks International Arctic Research Center, Fairbanks, Alaska.
  • Sparrow, E., Technical Contributor on Climate Change Education In Alaska to the 2023 5thNational Climate Assessment, Alaska Chapter. Huntington, H.P., C. Strawhacker, J. Falke, E.M. Ward, L. Behnken, T.N. Curry, A.C. Herrmann, C.U. Itchuaqiyaq, J.S. Littell, E.A. Logerwell, D. Meeker, J.R. Overbeck, D.L. Peter, R. Pincus, A.A. Quintyne, S.F. Trainor, & S.A. Yoder, 2023: Ch. 29. Alaska. In: Fifth National Climate Assessment. Crimmins, A.R., C.W. Avery, D.R.Easterling, K.E. Kunkel, B.C. Stewart, & T.K. Maycock, Eds. U.S. Global Change Research Program. Washington D.C., USA.

2024 Conference and Meeting Publications

  • Sparrow, E., Sousa, E., Spellman, K., Chase, M., Buffington, C., Fochesatto, G., Murray, B., Shaw, J., Roach, S., Brannan, T., Dierenfield, C., Saito, T., Larson, A., Kealy, K., & Allen, D. (2024, December). Broadening Participation in Climate Change and STEM Learning. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. Washington D.C. 
  • Burakowski E., Contosta, A., Duderstadt K., Sparrow, E.B. Spellman, K., Buffington, C., Hassell, K.T., Bourgeault, J., Driz, K.F., Pouliot, D., Pouliot, P., Alexander, S., Hyslop, P., Chase, M.J., Ernakovich, J.G., Varner, R.K. Dr., (2024, December) Graduate Student Training in Arctic Research Methods to Facilitate Collaborative Communities around Climate Change. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. Washington D.C.
  • Spellman, K., Sousa, E., Sparrow, E., Chase, M., Buurman, H., Bostwick, S., Pittas, M., Heeringa, K., & Buffington, C. (2024, December). NASA UNBOUND and GLOBE: Broadening the Use of and Access to NASA Data and Tools for Food Energy and Water Priorities in Tribal Communities. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. Washington D.C. 
  • Spellman, K., Sparrow, E., & Villano, C. (2024, December). Combining Scenarios Storytelling and Community and Citizen Science Data to Envision the Future and Take Local Action. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. Washington D.C.
  • Buffington, C., Northcutt, A., Iler-Galau, K., Wells, K., Sparrow, E., Shaw, J., Spellman, K., Chase, M., Sousa, E., Allen, D., Larson, A., & Kealy, K. (2024, December). Humility and reframing: Co-planning and implementing climate change education workshops with diverse Alaska Native cultures. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. Washington D.C.
  • Buffington, C., Sparrow, E., Chase, M., *Veenstra, G., *House, M., *Krauss, T., Faulkner, S., & Scharfenberg, J. (2024, April) Connected Habitat and Learning in Cripple Creek and across the Yukon River Watershed. American Water Resources Association - Alaska Section Annual Meeting. Fairbanks, AK.
  • Sparrow, E., Spellman, K., ^Itchoak, R. and Scott, A. (2024, February). K-12 Student-led Research Panel. Tundra Tales Series- virtual, Arctic Research Consortium of the United States.
  • Sparrow, E. (2024, April). (Invited Keynote). From the Tropics to the Arctic: My Journey to Community and Citizen Science in the Far North. Annual Community and Citizen Science in the Far North Conference, Arctic Research Consortium of the United States.
  • Sparrow, E. (2024, April). Multiple Knowledge Learning Framework for Youth-led Research, Annual Community and Citizen Science in the Far North Conference, Arctic Research Consortium of the United States.
  • Sparrow, E. (2024, February). Invited presentation on Data Sovereignty and Ethics to the newly formed GLOBE Data Sovereignty Committee. Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment. Online.
  • Sousa, E. (2024, October). NASA UNBOUND: Broadening access to and use of geospatial data and tools for Tribal food, energy, and water priorities. UAF Geospatial Alliance Quarterly Meeting. Fairbanks, AK.
  • Sousa, E., Dowty, S., Banner, M., Spellman, K., Buurman, H., Chase, M., Heeringa, K., Pittas, M., Bostwick, S., & Sparrow, E. (2024, September). UNBOUND: Broadening the use of and access to NASA data for Tribal food, energy, and water priorities. National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference. Anchorage, AK.
  • Spellman, K.V., Sparrow, E.B., Temte, J., Lewis-Nicori, J. (2024, February) Arctic Together Showcase. Alaska Forum on the Environment. Anchorage, AK.
  • Spellman, K.V. (2024, March). Turning Citizen Science Data into Youth Climate Action during the GLOBE Year of Climate and Carbon.  Texas STEM Conference. Online.
  • Spellman, K. & ^Robbins, K. (2024, February) NASA Science Live: What does it mean to be cool? Fresh Eyes on Ice GLOBE Observer feature. Sci Starter National Event. Online.
  • Spellman, K.V. (2024, February) GLOBE Year of Climate and Carbon Campaign in Alaska- Imagining the future using GLOBE Data. GLOBE Year of Climate and Carbon Webinar Series. Online.
  • Spellman, K., Sparrow, E., ^Villano, C., *Spellman, I., & *Spellman, S. (2024, July) GLOBE Year of Climate and Carbon - Past, Present and Future of GLOBE Climate Change Research and Action. GLOBE Annual Meeting. Fredonia, NY.
  • *Wells, A., & Buffington, C. (2024, July) Sailing to the Future with GLOBE on the Tall Ship MIRAIE. GLOBE Annual Meeting. Fredonia, NY.

2023 Peer-reviewed Publications

  • Brown, D. R. N., C. D. Arp, T. J. Brinkman, B. A. Cellarius, M. Engram, M. E. Miller, K.V. Spellman. 2023. Using satellite imagery to detect the changing seasonality of river ice. Alaska Park Science 22(1): 80-89. [Used AE SIGNs affiliated citizen science observations]
  • Brown, D.R.N.,  C.D. Arp, T.J. Brinkman, M. Engram, B.A. Cellarius, M.E. Miller & K.V. Spellman. 2023. Long-term change and geospatial patterns of river ice cover and navigability in southcentral Alaska detected with remote sensing. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 55 (1):2241279. doi: 10.1080/15230430.2023.2241279 [Used AE SIGNs affiliated citizen science observations]
  • Clement S., K.V. Spellman, L. Oxtoby, K. Kealy, K. Bodony, E.B. Sparrow, C. Arp. 2023. Redistributing Power in Community and Citizen Science: Effects on Youth Science Self-Efficacy and Interest. Sustainability 15(11):8876. doi: 10.3390/su15118876 [Evaluated outcomes from AE SIGNs and related projects]
  • Hauser, D.W., Glenn, R.T., Lindley, E.D, Pikok, K.K., Heeringa, K., Jones, J., Adams, B., Leavitt, J.M., Omnik, G. N., Schaeffer, R., SimsKayotuk, C., Sparrow, E.B., Ravelo, A. M. and Eicken, H. 2023. Nunaaqqit Savaqatigivlugich - Working with Communities: Evolving Collaborations around an Alaska Arctic Observatory and Knowledge Hub. Arctic Science

2023 Conference and Meeting Publications

  • Buffington, C., House, M., Glade, S., Sparrow, E. B., Spellman, K. V., Chase, M., & Osborne, M. (2023, March). Swimming Upstream: Innovations of Undergrads and Educators for Salmon and STEM Learning. American Fisheries Society, Alaska Chapter 49th Annual Meeting, Fairbanks, AK.
  • Buffington, C., Parsley, R., Glade, S., Veenstra, G. (2023, July). Cripple Creek Restoration Project using GLOBE and Fresh Eyes on Ice. Showcase for Director of the US Fish and Wildlife Service Alaska Visit and Tour. Fairbanks, AK. 
  • Buffington, C., Kohl, H. (2023, October). Using GLOBE Observer Landcover App to observe seasonal changes in freshwater systems and save lives. North American Region GLOBE Webinar. Online recording available at
  • Clement, S., Spellman, K. V., & Oxtoby, L. (2023, April). Redistributing power in community and citizen science: Effects on youth science self-efficacy and interest. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Freeman, R., Kuslikis, A., Metcalf, V., Newberry, T., Sparrow, E. B. (2023, July) Panel: Contextualizing GLOBE for Indigenous Communities. GLOBE Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO. 
  • Jones, K., Jennings, L., Maldonado, J., Carroll, S., Martinez, A., Alegado, R., Balch, J., David-Chavez, D., Duerr, R., Dye, D., Johnson, N., Spellman, K. V., Ketchum, T., Thomas, W., Weber, J., & Tofighi-Niaki, A. (2023, December). Indigenizing your research: Recommendations from the Earth Data Relations Working Group to Implement Indigenous Data Governance across Earth Sciences. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
  • Murphy, T., Wigbels, L., Shelkin, L., Sparrow, E. B. et al. (2023, October) Panel Member: The GLOBE Program, An International Science and Education Program: Preparing the Next Generation of STEM Professionals and Science Diplomats. United Nations General Assembly Science Summit. New York, NY; Panel Presentation Online. 
  • Scragg, M., Arp, C. D., Spellman, K. V., Brown, D. R., Engram, M., Oxtoby, L., Sparrow, E., Woods, B., Erwin, B., Ornelas, C., Bondurant, A., Chase, M., Buffington, C., Sattler, B., & Johnson, C. (2023, April). Fresh Eyes on Ice: Connecting Arctic Communities through a Revitalized and Modernized Freshwater Ice Observation Network. In Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science Conference. Dillingham, AK.
  • Scragg, M., Arp, C. D., Spellman, K. V., Brown, D. R., Oxtoby, L., Woods, B., Sparrow, E. B., Ornelas, C., Bondurant, A., Bodony, K., Clement, S., Engram, M., Ervin, B., Kohl, H., McAuley, M., & Chase, M. (2023, March). Connecting Arctic Communities through a Revitatiled and Modernized Freshwater Ice Observation Network. American Water Resources Association - Alaska Chapter Annual Conference, Anchorage, AK.
  • Sousa, E., Helder, N., Balazs, M. S., Spellman, K. V., Trochim, E. D., Buurman, H., & Ferguson, C. (2023, April). Assessing the applications of geospatial data in climate change adaptation planning and decision-making for Alaskan communities. Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science Conference. Dillingham, AK.
  • Sparrow, E. B. (2023, October) Panel: Amplifying Climate Adaptation Partnerships in Alaska.: Arctic and Earth  STEM Integrating GLOBE and NASA and Alaska Arctic Observatory Knowledge Hub, Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science. Portland, OR. 
  • Sparrow, E. B., & Spellman, K. V. (2023, March). Bonanza Creek LTER Education and Training - Year in Review 2022-23. Bonanza Creek LTER Annual Symposium. Online. [Overview of AE SIGNs work]
  • Sparrow, E. B. Spellman, K.V., Chase M., Buffington, C., Murray, B., Fochesatto, G. (2023, June) Climate Change and My Community: Intergenerational Community Science and Action. 11th Annual Rising Voices Workshop. Boulder, CO.
  • Sparrow, E. B. (2023, May) Climate Change and My Community: Intergenerational Community Science and Action.Keynote Address.  Annual Project WILD Conference. May 15-19, Anchorage, AK.
  • Sparrow, E. B. and Hauser, D. (2023, May) Community Based Monitoring in the Arctic. C*Sci 2023. Tempe, AZ.
  • Spellman, K. V. (2023, January). Connecting Citizen science and remote sensing in Fresh Eyes on Ice. In NASA ARSET Workshop: Connecting Citizen Science with Remote Sensing. Online.
  • Spellman, K. V., & Sparrow, E. B. (2023, May). Broadening Participation in Citizen & Community Science through a Storytelling-based Learning Cycle. Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee Education Team Meeting. IARPC Collaborations.  Online. 
  • Spellman, K. V., Brown, D., McAuley, M., Rosengard, S., Woods, B. (2023, February) Community Monitoring of River Ice. Alaska Forum on the Environment, Anchorage, AK.
  • Spellman, K. V., Sparrow, E. B., Chase, M., Mulder, C. P., Arp, C. D., Oxtoby, L., Brown, D. R., Larson, A., & Kealy, K. (2023, February). Citizen and community science for climate resilience education - linking program design and outcomes in diverse learning environments. Gulf of Maine Research Institute Science and Education Staff Meeting. Online.
  • Spellman, K.V. (2023, June) Climate Change, Faith and Hope. Keynote address. NW United States Regional United Methodist Convention. Fairbanks, AK.
  • Wesen, S., Buffington, C. (2023, November). NASA SnowEd, SnowEx: Snow STEAM Outreach. GLOBE North American Regional Meeting. Online.
  • Buffington, C., Osborne, M., Sparrow, E., *Glade, S., *Veenstra, G., *House, M., Parsley, R., Faulkner, S., & Scharfenberg, J. (2023, December). Connected Habitat and Learning for Juvenile Salmon in Cripple Creek in Fairbanks, Alaska. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
  • Mason, M., Vuyovich, C., Joseph, A., Montgomery, C., Moore, K., Kowalczak, C., Sack, C., Sandal, J., & Buffington, C. (2023, December). NASA MAIANSE SnowEx Interns: Three Years of Minority Serving Higher Education Institution Internship Experiences. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
  • Sparrow, E., Chase, M., Spellman, K., Buffington, C., Shaw, J., Roach, S., & Sousa, E. (2023, December). Applying a Multiple Knowledge System Framework for Respectful and Equitable Collaborations with Indigenous Communities and Action Oriented STEM Engagement with Indigenous Youth in Alaska and Beyond. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
  • Spellman, K.V. and Crump, S. (2023, December) Observing River and Lake Ice with GLOBE and SIKU. Fresh Eyes on Ice international training webinar. Online.


  • 8 UAF-Department of Natural Resources Management and Environment posters, including four GLOBE 2024 International Virtual Science Symposium posters and reports

  • 4 Pacific & Northwest Regional Student Research Symposium posters

  • 4 Posters presented by High School students at separate conferences

  • 1 international poster with multi-country/multi grade authorship

  • 2 GIS StoryMap publications by recent GLOBE alumna Kaila Banister (NASA SnowEx intern) and Ashlee Wells (Japan-Palau sailing trip)

  • 1 GLOBE summer internship for undergraduate student to mentor youth in partnership with Fairbanks Soil and Water Conservation

  • 50 Undergraduate students were trained in GLOBE protocols and conducted GLOBE clouds investigations as a part of Dr. Spellman’s HONR/NRM Our Changing Climate course.

  • International students wrote and/or were featured in articles about doing GLOBE atmosphere and hydrosphere and sustainability investigations and ocean literacy learning on the Tall Ship MIRAIE:

2023 *Student and Educator Participant Presentations and Professional Meetings

  • *Banister, Kaila (2023, May) SnowEx Internship Overview. NASA SnowEx Intern showcase. Online.
  • *Brannan, Teslin (high school sophomore). (2023, March) How a Levee Impacted Water Quality in Piledriver Slough: A Ten-Year Study. March 7, 2023. Alaska Section of the American Water Resources Association conference in Anchorage, AK. Poster. [link]
  • *Brannan, Teslin & Rusty Baker. (2023, March) How a Levee Impacted Water Quality in Piledriver Slough: A Ten-Year Study. American Fisheries Society- Alaska Chapter 49th Annual Meeting, March 26–31, 2023, Fairbanks, AK.  Poster. [link
  • Brannan, Tori. (2023, March) The Story of a Slough: Engaging (and Managing) Young Scientists and Stewards, a Ten Year Project. Alaska Section of the American Water Resources Association Conference, March 7, 2023, Anchorage, AK. Oral presentation.
  • Brannan, Tori. (2023, March) The Story of a Slough: Engaging (and Managing) Young Scientists and Stewards, a Ten Year Project. American Fisheries Society- Alaska Chapter 49th Annual Meeting, March 26–31, 2023, Fairbanks, AK. Oral presentation.
  • Williams, Cheryl, and Ellen Ervin, Ellen. 2023. Tips and resources to teach phenology using the GLOBE Green-Down protocol. GLOBE North American Phenology Campaign Webinar Series. Online.


  • 26 GLOBE NW Student Research Symposium Posters 

  • 4 Undergraduate Summer Research Intensive Posters

  • 3 Posters presented by High School students at separate conferences

  • 10 Undergraduate students conducting semester-long GLOBE investigations this fall

  • 1 new GLOBE summer internship for undergraduate students to mentor youth, created with our partner Fairbanks Soil and Water Conservation

2022 Peer-reviewed Publications

  • Santangelo, J.S., R.W. Ness, B. Cohan, C.R. Fitzpatrick, S.G. Innes, [...] C. Ornelas, K.V. Spellman, [...] M.J. Johnson. 2022. Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover. Science 375(6586):1275-1281. doi: 10.1126/science.abk0989

2022 Conference and Meeting Publications

  • Biddle, A. (2022, June). 4-H and GLOBE Citizen Science. Alaska 4-H Learn & Lead series. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska. 
  • Buffington, C. (2022, July). Strategies to Engage Fall Semester Students in the Spring GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium. GLOBE Annual GLOBE Annual Meeting. Virtual: GLOBE International.
  • Buffington, C. (2022, November). Revising the review process for GLOBE Symposia: Arctic and Earth SIGNs, Association of Interior Native Educators, GLOBE US Coordination Office. GLOBE North American Regional Meeting. Presentation online.
  • Buffington, C., Itchoak, R., Schmitt, C., Sparrow, E., Horodyskyi, U., Lee, O., and Elijah, K. 2021. Just Ask the Kids: Climate Resilience Engagement Through Dirty Snow Citizen Science Inquiry Investigations in Alaska and Montana. Abstract number ED55H-06 presented at the American Geophysical Union Meeting 13-17, December.
  • Buffington, C., Chase, M., Sparrow, E., Walker, M., Spellman, K. V., Gallen, R., & Bourgeault, J. (2022, December). Steps towards culturally inclusive review process for youth research symposia in Alaska and beyond. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Chicago, IL.
  • Chase, M., Sparrow, E., Dibert, M., Spellman, K. V., Buffington, C., & Murray, B. (2022, September). Cultivating Intergenerational Learning and Action for Climate Adaptation. National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference. St. Paul, Minnesota: ITEP Climate Change Advisory Committee and Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Tribal Resilience Program.
  • Clement, S., Spellman, K. V., Oxtoby, L., Sparrow, E. B., Arp, C. D., Brown, D. R., Ornelas, C., & Buffington, C. (2022, December). Broadening youth participation in Arctic community and citizen science. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Chicago, IL.
  • Kahoe, G., Spellman, K. V., & Sparrow, E. (2022, July). Expanding GLOBE to Undergraduates and Preservice Teachers. GLOBE Annual Meeting. Virtual: GLOBE International.
  • Kealy, K. and Larson A. (2022, April). Learning from K’keeyh Summer Camp: Evaluation Highlights from 2021. Poster presentation at the Alaska GLOBE Student Research Symposium, Fairbanks, Alaska. 
  • Murray, B., Sparrow, E. B., Bland, G., Spellman, K., Bostwick, S., Henry, A., Yazie, Czajkowski, K.P. and Struble, J. 2021. Braiding Knowledges to Effectively Support Students and Broaden Participation in Geoscience Through Effective partnerships. Abstract Number ED53B-03 oral presentation at the American Geophysical Union Meeting 13-17, December.
  • Murray, B., Sparrow, E. B., Bland, G., Spellman, K., Bostwick, S., Henry, A., Yazie, T., Czajkowski, K.P. and Struble, J. 2021. Braiding Knowledges to Effectively Support Students and Broaden Participation in Geoscience Through Effective partnerships. Abstract Number ED53G-0340 poster presentation at the American Geophysical Union Meeting 13-17, December.
  • Murray, B. (2022, July). GLOBE Connections that Build Relationships. GLOBE Annual Meeting. Virtual: GLOBE International.
  • Petrauski, L., Spellman, K. V., Mulder, C. P., Heeringa, K., & Chase, M. (2022, December). Integrating community knowledge and large scale phenological data: building a partnership to determine Alaska’s Berry Future. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Chicago, IL.
  • Sparrow, E. (2022, July). Spotlight on GLOBE Alumni. GLOBE Annual Meeting. Virtual: GLOBE International.
  • Sparrow, E. (2022, September). Invited Panelist. Art, Climate Change and Indigeneity. Haskell Indian Nations University’s Hiawatha Center for Justice and EcoArts Connection. Sep 14, Lawrence, Kansas.
  • Sparrow, E. (2022, September). Invited Panelist. Opportunities for Indigenous Students and Early Career Scientists Through Scientific and Community Mentoring. Rising Voices 10th Annual Workshop: Emergent Knowledge through Indigenous and Earth Science Collaborations. held Sep 15, at Lawrence, Kansas.
  • Sparrow, E. 2022. Indigenous Land Acknowledgements and Community Partnerships. Long Term Ecological Research All Scientists Meeting Sep 20-22 held at the Asilomar Conference Facilities, CA.
  • Sparrow, E. and Spellman, K. 2022. Beyond Research Experience for Undergraduates: Climate Research Intensive. Long Term Ecological Research All Scientists Meeting Sep 20-22 held at the Asilomar Conference Facilities, CA.
  • Sparrow, E. B., Spellman, K., Fochesatto, G. J., Castillo, C., Coyne, C., Cutkomp, J., Ornelas, C., and Ramirez, A.: A Climate Research Intensive Undergraduate Program Pivot During a Pandemic, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-12587,, 2022.
  • Sparrow, E.B. (2022, April). Invited panelist, LTER Diversity and Equity Community Engagement Panel: What is unique about your LTER site and who are the audiences your LTER site serves? April 28, 2022, Long Term Ecological Research LNO.
  • Sparrow, E.B. (2022, April). Keynote Speaker (Invited). Engaging Indigenous Youth and Adults in Community-Focused Efforts Around Climate Change, National Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net) Earth and Space Project Based Convening. April 21, 2022.
  • Sparrow, E.B. (2022, March). Invited Panelist, March Expert Panel: Broadening the Landscape of Citizen Science. Other panelists Trena Ferrell and Blake McGhighy, Moderator, Heather Fischer, Respondent Martin Storksdieck. STEM for All Multiplex
  • Sparrow, E.B. (2022, May). Invited Panelist. C* Science Conference. Citizen Science Association, May 25, 2022. 
  • Sparrow, E.B. (2022, May). Phenology in the Past and Now and Use of GLOBE and Indigenous Science in Environmental Studies in Rural Alaska.  (Invited). European Phenology Campaign Webinar. May 4, 2022. GLOBE Europe Regional Office.
  • Sparrow, E.B., Lesniak, M., Sam, J-M., Bhatt, U., Hauser, D., DeLue, M., Buffington, C., Curry, T., Hermann, A. and Rudolf, M. 2021 Developing and Implementing a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion at an International Research Center in an Arctic University to Build Trusting, Caring, and Professional Relationships Across International Research Communities Abstract number SY25A-0589 presented at the American Geophysical Union Meeting 13-17, December.
  • Spellman, K.V. (2022, January). Citizen science data in undergraduate learning: examples from Winterberry and GLOBE. Alaska Data for Undergraduate Educational Modules (AKDatUM) workshop. Fairbanks, AK.
  • Spellman, K. V, Arp, C. D., Brown, D. R., Woods, B., Van Breuleken, C., Johnson, B. C., … Oxtoby, L. (2022, February). Community Eyes on River Ice: Coordinating Ice Observing and Information Sharing. Alaska Forum on the Environment. Virtual.
  • Spellman, K. V. (2022, February). Monitoring berries in your community. Presentation to Telida Village Council.
  • Spellman, K. V. (2022, June). Fresh Eyes on Ice: Using Citizen Science to advance UN Sustainable Development Goals. Generation Connect Global Youth Summit. Kigali, Rwanda and virtual: United Nations, International Telecommunication Union.
  • Spellman, K. V. (2022, March). Alaska’s berries in a changing climate- the role of snow and precipitation. Southeast Alaska Drought and Extreme Events Conference: Building collaborations to enhance data, decision making, and adaptation planning in Southeast Alaska. Juneau, AK.
  • Spellman, K. V., & Arp, C. D. (2022, February). Fresh Eyes on Ice. Arctic Educators Fair. Virtual: Navigating the New Arctic Community Office.
  • Spellman, K. V., & Sparrow, E. (2022, February). Alaska GLOBE. Arctic Educators Fair. Virtual: Navigating the New Arctic Community Office.
  • Spellman, K. V., & Timm, K. M. (2022, May). Honors College Graduation Keynote Speech - Honoring the first full class of Climate Scholars Program graduates. UAF Honors College Graduation.
  • Spellman, K. V., Sparrow, E., & Chase, M. (2022, August). Youth and workforce development - Putting Geodata Cooperative Assets to use in Alaskan communities and education. Geodata Cooperative All Hands Meeting. Fairbanks, Alaska.
  • Spellman, K. V., Sparrow, E. B., Chase, M., Buffington, C., Mulder, C. P., Arp, C. D., Oxtoby, L., Brown, D. R., Larson, A., & Kealy, K. (2022, December). Citizen and community science for climate resilience education - linking program design and outcomes in diverse learning environments. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Chicago, IL.

2022 Student and Educator Participant Presentations and Professional Meetings

2021 Peer-reviewed Publications

  • Buffington, C. (2021). Women who steward the future: Applying science for sustainability on three shores. AWIS Magazine, 3:53. 
  • Spellman, K. V., Cost, D. S., & Villano, C. P. (2021). Connecting Community and Citizen Science to Stewardship Action Planning Through Scenarios Storytelling. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution9, 695534.
  • Yoshikawa, K., Hardy, D. R., Narita, K., Bolton, W. R., Stanilovskaya, J., & Sparrow, E. B. (2021) Ground thermal regimes and implications for permafrost distribution on Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 53(1):127-145. DOI: 10.1080/15230430.2021.1903375

2021 Conference and Meeting Publications

  • Buffington, C., Ward. T., Taylor, B., Hester, C., Jones, D., Parsley, R., Weiler, E., Coe, M., & Kiley, A. (2021, March). Research Education on Air and Cardiovascular Health: The REACH Program. One Health: One Future Conference (invited). Virtual: Alaska One Health.
  • Buffington, C., & Shaw, J. (2021, July). SMART Pivots: Science, Math, Art, Recreation and Technology GLOBE Clouds virtual class for Diverse Homeschool and Afterschool Youth in Alaska. GLOBE Annual Meeting. Virtual: NCAR/UCAR. 
  • Buffington, C. (2021, October). Synergies to Support our Communities: Arctic and Earth SIGNs and Community Eyes on River Ice. NASA Science Activation-Citizen Science Synergy Meeting.
  • Buffington, C., Colón Robles, M., Sparrow, E. B., Jones, D., Itchoak, R., Murray, B., Kiley, A., Schmitt, C.  (2021, October). Youth and Community Engagement on Air Quality and Clouds through GLOBE, NASA, and REACH. Community and Citizen Science in the Far North. Virtual: Arctic Research Consortium of the United States. 
  • Buffington, C., Itchoak, R., Schmitt, C., Sparrow, E., Horodyskyi, U., Lee, O., and Elijah, K. 2021.Just Ask the Kids: Climate Resilience Engagement Through Dirty Snow Citizen Science Inquiry Investigations in Alaska and Montana. Abstract number ED55H-06 presented at the American Geophysical Union Meeting 13-17, December.
  • Czaikowski, K., Buffington, C., Padgett, D., Bydlowski, D. & Bourgeault, J. (2021, May). Using Phenomenon-Based Bundles Through The GLOBE Program To Facilitate Student Research Projects. CitSci Virtual. Virtual: US Citizen Science Association. 
  • Dibert, M. Sparrow, E. , Chase, M., Buffington, C., Spellman, K., James, N. 2021. Learning fro K’keeyh: Connecting generations and multiple knowledge systems through cross-cultural learning and teaching. Abstract Number ED52A-02 presented at the American Geophysical Union Meeting 13-17, December.
  • Horodyskyj, U., Buffington, C., Schmitt, C., Lee, O., & Sparrow, E.B. (2021, May). Engaging Citizen Scientists in Understanding Changing Environments due to Light Absorbing Particles. CitSci Virtual. Virtual: US Citizen Science Association. 
  • Lesniak, M., Sparrow, E., Hauser, D., DeLue, M., Buffington, C., Curry, T., Figus, E., Herrmann, A.,Whiteley C., Rudolf, M., Clement, S., Bhatt, U., Young, J., Sam, J., Lee, O., Bermann, M., Bauxbaum, T., Mcfarland, H., Thoman, R., Bolton B., and Wolken, J. 2021. Cultivating and implementing a culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, and access as we work and build relationships within UAF, Alaska, and beyond. Presented at the One Health One Future Conference, 6-11, April.
  • Murray, B., Spellman, K. L., Sparrow, E. B., Bostwick, S., Bland, G., Henry, A., Struble, J., Czaikowski, K., Yazzie, T. (2021, July). GLOBE Partnering for Broader Participation in Engineering. GLOBE Annual Meeting. Virtual: NASA/UCAR/NCAR
  • Murray, B., Sparrow, E. B., Bland, G., Spellman, K., Bostwick, S., Henry, A., Yazie, T., Czajkowski, K.P. and Struble, J. 2021. Braiding Knowledges to Effectively Support Students and Broaden Participation in Geoscience Through Effective partnerships. Abstract Number ED53B-03 oral presentation at the American Geophysical Union Meeting 13-17, December.
  • Murray, B., Sparrow, E. B., Bland, G., Spellman, K., Bostwick, S., Henry, A., Yazie, T., Czajkowski, K.P. and Struble, J. 2021. Braiding Knowledges to Effectively Support Students and Broaden Participation in Geoscience Through Effective partnerships. Abstract Number ED53G-0340 poster presentation at the American Geophysical Union Meeting 13-17, December.
  • Sparrow, E.B., Spellman, K.V., Chase, M.J., Buffington, C., Murray, B., Larson, A., & Kealy, K. (2021, April) Inclusive Strategies in Climate Change Teaching, Learning and Action. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2021, Abstract EGU21-7552
  • Sparrow, E. B., Spellman, K. L., Chase, M., Buffington, C., Murray, B., Kahoe, G. C., Dibert, M., Fochesatto, G., Yoshikawa, K. (2021, September). Climate Change Education and Stewardship through Multiple Knowledge Systems. Rising Voices 9 Workshop: Centering justice in the convergence of sciences, communities, and actions. Virtual: UCAR/NCAR. 
  • Sparrow, E. B., Chase, M., Spellman, K. L., Buffington, C., Fochesatto, G. J., Kahoe, G. C., Yoshikawa, K., Murray, B. (2021, October). Working Together for Climate Change Learning and Community Science in Indigenous Communities. Community and Citizen Science in the Far North. Virtual: Arctic Research Consortium of the United States. 
  • Sparrow, E.B. (2021, October). Feedbacks and Impacts of a Warming Arctic: Engaging Learners in STEM Using NASA and GLOBE assets. GLOBE North American Regional Meeting, 12-14 Oct.
  • Sparrow, E.B., Spellman, K., Murray, B. (2021, October). DEI in Climate Change Research at IARC starting from student and community projects. World Café Discussion. 9th Annual Rising Voices Virtual Workshop, Centering Justice in the Convergence of Sciences, Communities and Actions, 29 Sept -1 Oct.
  • Sparrow, E.B., Lesniak, M., Sam, J-M., Bhatt, U., Hauser, D., DeLue, M., Buffington, C., Curry, T., Hermann, A. and Rudolf, M. 2021 Developing and Implementing a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion at an International Research Center in an Arctic University to Build Trusting, Caring, and Professional Relationships Across International Research Communities  Abstract number SY25A-0589 presented at the American Geophysical Union Meeting 13-17, December.
  • Spellman, K. L., Buffington, C. (2021, April). Working together for the next generation: IARC Education and Science Opportunities for Children and Youth. Tribal Resilience Learning Network Webinar Series. Virtual: Alaska CASC. 
  • Spellman, K. L. & Erickson-Bradney, J. (2021, May). Winterberry: Results from a statewide berry monitoring project. Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science Conference. Virtual: Alaska Sea Grant and UAF Bristol Bay Campus. ** Winner of the Todd Rodenbaugh People’s Choice Award for the conference
  • Spellman, K. L., Villano, C., & Sparrow, E. B. (2021, May). Broadening Participation in Citizen and Community Science through a Storytelling-based Learning Cycle. CitSci Virtual. US Citizen Science Association. 
  • Spellman, K. L. (2021, July). Fresh Eyes on Ice - Lightning talk. GLOBE Annual Meeting. Virtual: UCAR/NCAR. 
  • Spellman, K., Sparrow, E., and Buffington, C. (2021, August) Methods for Citizen and Community Science in the Boreal Forest. International Boreal Forest Research Association Conference. 16-20, Aug. 
  • Spellman, K. (2021, October). Community Eyes on River Ice. GLOBE North American Regional Meeting, 12-14 Oct.
  • Spellman, K. L., Brown, D. R., Arp, C. D., Woods, B., & Sparrow, E. (2021, October). Fresh Eyes on Ice - Broadening Participation in River Ice Observing. Community and Citizen Science in the Far North. Virtual: Arctic Research Consortium of the United States. 
  • Villano, C., Sparrow, E. B., & Spellman, K. L. (2021, July). Grandma GLOBE: New resources for early primary and family GLOBE across the seasons. GLOBE Annual Meeting. Virtual: NCAR/UCAR. 

2021 Student and Educator Participant Presentations and Professional Meetings

  • Båhr, R., Matson, S., Storer, A., & Sparrow, E. B. (2021, August). To burn or not to burn: Historical effects of wildfire on permafrost, soil moisture and soil temperature. Arctic and Earth SIGNs Undergraduate Summer Climate Research Intensive symposium. Fairbanks, Alaska; Santa Ana, CA; and Puerto, Portugal: Hybrid zoom and in-person. 
  • Boone, H., Caole, N. (2021, August) Are soil conditions influenced by regenerating tree species after a burn? Arctic and Earth SIGNs Undergraduate Summer Climate Research Intensive symposium. Fairbanks, Alaska; Santa Ana, CA; and Puerto, Portugal: Hybrid zoom and in-person. 
  • Chip, S., González, B., Nguyen, N. T. (2021, August). Effects of slope and ash layer on soil moisture and soil temperature. Arctic and Earth SIGNs Undergraduate Summer Climate Research Intensive symposium. Fairbanks, Alaska; Santa Ana, CA; and Puerto, Portugal: Hybrid zoom and in-person. 
  • Doppler, L., Doppler, E., Lindemann, I., Martinez, R., Martinez, A., Mwarey, B., & Smith, S. (2021, March). How does the amount of atmospheric particulates vary due to location of the samples’ plots? Takotna, Alaska. GLOBE International Virtual Student Research Symposium. Virtual: GLOBE.  
  • Gomez, N., Avina, D. (2021, August). It’s getting hot in here: El Dorado Fire impacts on soil moisture and temperature in San Bernardino Bear Paw Reserve. Arctic and Earth SIGNs Undergraduate Summer Climate Research Intensive symposium. Fairbanks, Alaska; Santa Ana, CA; and Puerto, Portugal: Hybrid zoom and in-person. 
  • Herrera, D., & Ruvalcaba, L. (2021, August). A comparison of burned and unburned tree impact on soil moisture. Arctic and Earth SIGNs Undergraduate Summer Climate Research Intensive symposium. Fairbanks, Alaska; Santa Ana, CA; and Puerto, Portugal: Hybrid zoom and in-person. 
  • Itchoak, R., Stenek, N., Eningowuk, T. (2021, April). Shishmaref dirty snow project. Tribal Resilience Learning Network Webinar Series. Virtual: Alaska CASC. 
  • Mari, E. (2021, August) Magnolia grandiflora and soil moisture in a Portuguese Park Ecosystem. Arctic and Earth SIGNs Undergraduate Summer Climate Research Intensive symposium. Fairbanks, Alaska; Santa Ana, CA; and Puerto, Portugal: Hybrid zoom and in-person. 
  • Ripley, P., & Cortez, H. (2021, August). A survey of thermo-climate variables in the boreal forest of the Caribou-Poker Creek Research Watershed ten years after fire. Arctic and Earth SIGNs Undergraduate Summer Climate Research Intensive symposium. Fairbanks, Alaska; Santa Ana, CA; and Puerto, Portugal: Hybrid zoom and in-person. 
  • Stenek, N., Eningowuk, T. Itchoak, R. (2021, March). Dirty Snow in Shishmaref. GLOBE International Virtual Student Research Symposium. Virtual: GLOBE.
  • Stenek, N., Eningowuk, T., & Itchoak, R. (2021, October). Shishmaref dirty snow project. Community and Citizen Science in the Far North. Virtual: Arctic Research Consortium of the US.  

2019 Publications

  • Bestelmeyer, S. V., Elsner M. M., Spellman, K.V., Sparrow, E.B., Haan-Amato, S. S. and Keener, A. 2015. Collaboration, interdisciplinary thinking, and communication: new approaches to K–12 ecology education. Front Ecol Environ 2015; 13(1): 37-43, doi:10.1890/140130
  • Boger, R., Yule, S., and Sparrow, E. 2013. Strategies for teaching to a changing world: lessons from Arusha, Tanzania, International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 22:3, pp 209-225, DOI: 10.1080/10382046.2013.817655 Routledge, London.
  • Sparrow, E., Keill, C., Breest, C. Clucas, T.,and Moran, T. 2017. Innovative Experiences in STEM Education, pp 7619-7628, In L. G. Chova, A. L. Martínez, and I. C.Torres (ed) INTED2017 Proceedings, 11 th International Technology, Education and Development Conference held in Valencia, Spain, 6-8 March, 2017. ISBN: 978-84-617-8491-2/ ISSN: 2340-1079,  doi: 10.21125/inted.2017   Publisher: IATED
  • Sparrow, E.B., Gordon, L.S., Kopplin, M.R., Boger, R., Yule, S., Morris, K., Jaroensutasinee, K., Jaroensutasinee, M. and Yoshikawa, K. 2013. Integrating Geoscience Research in Primary and Secondary Education In Tong, V. (ed) Geoscience: Research-- enhanced School and Public Outreach. Innovations in Science and Technology 21, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6943-4, pp 227-250. Springer, London. 
  • Spellman, KV, Sparrow, EB, Chase MJ, Larson, A and Kealy, K. 2018. Connected climate change learning through citizen science: an assessment of priorities and needs of formal and informal educators and community members in Alaska. Connected Science Learning 1(6): 1-24. (May 15, 2018 published)
  • Yoshikawa, K. Sparrow, E., Stanilovskaya,J. 2013. Engaging Alaskan communities and students in cryospheric research. In Tong, V. (ed) Geoscience: Research--enhanced School and Public Outreach. Innovations in Science and Technology 21, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6943-4, pp 19-45. Springer, London.

2019 Presentations

  • 2019 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting oral presentations, December 9-13:
  • Buffington, C., Sparrow, E.B., Spellman, K., Chase, M., Murray, B. and Fochesatto, G. 2019. Cultural Tradition in a Non-traditional College Course: Connecting Tribal Youth to Community Climate Impacts, Abstract Number ED54B-02 presented at 2019 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA.
  • Sparrow, E. B. 2019. Scientist-Educator Collaborations in STEM and the Geosciences (Invited), Abstract Number ED24A-02 presented at 2019 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA.
  • Sparrow, E.B. 2019. Personal and Cultural Connections: Key to Science Communication, Education and Engagement (Invited), Abstract Number ED12B-01 presented at 2019 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA.
  • Sparrow, E.B. Chase, M., Spellman K. and Brunacini, J. 2019 The Significance of Intergenerational and Intercultural Knowledge Transfer on Youth and Adults (Invited), Abstract Number U32A-05 presented at 2019 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA.
  • Spellman, K., Sparrow, E.B. Chase, M., Mulder, C.P.H., and Buffington, C. 2019. Public Participation in Scientific Research: Designing for Broad Audiences in a Changing Alaska (Invited), Abstract Number ED34B-01 presented at 2019 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA.
  • Spellman, K., Schaffer, C., Sparrow, E.B., Fochesato, G., Castillo, C.,Verbyla, D. 2019. Climate workforce skills through Arctic research - putting community college students in charge, Abstract Number ED54B-01 presented at 2019 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA.