News - University of Arkansas
2021 GLOBE Annual Meeting Update: Last Day to Register is Tomorrow (07 July)!
General Information – Late Registration
The 2021 GLOBE Annual Meeting is just around the corner! The theme of the meeting, which will take place from 12-16 July, is “Adapting to a Changing GLOBE.” There will be three session strands that describe the themes of the Community Sessions: Strand 1 – Responding to a Changing GLOBE; Strand 2 – A Welcoming GLOBE; and Strand 3: STEM, Teaching, and GLOBE.
The deadline for regular registration is today, 01 July!
The registration fee increases after 01 July, and last day to register is 07 July!
To register, click here.
Optional sessions are still available for sign-up, which includes networking sessions and protocol training sessions. Meeting registrants will not be able to sign up for protocol training sessions after today, 01 July; so, if you would like to attend one of those, make sure to register today!
Community Sessions have been added to the meeting Agenda. (Please Note: Some of the sessions will have limited capacity. Sessions with capacities will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis.)
To view the Agenda, click here.
Third Keynote Speaker: Dr. Assaf Anyamba
GIO would like to introduce our third and final Keynote Speaker, Dr. Assaf Anyamba. Dr. Anyamba is a Manager and Principal Scientist with the Universities Space Research Association in the Biospheric Sciences Laboratory at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. His research focus is on uncovering, monitoring, and understanding global biosphere dynamics associated with El Niño–Southern Oscillation from remotely sensed vegetation measurements; developing long-term data records of the biosphere; drought pattern analysis; applying remotely sensed data in agricultural monitoring; drought and famine early warning; and ecologically coupled disease outbreaks. His research supports various applications development efforts for partner Federal government agencies.
For more information on all three Keynote Speakers, click here.
GLOBE Annual Meeting Social Media
“Story” about The GLOBE Program During the Annual Meeting
GIO would like to ask all student and non-student Annual Meeting participants to become "story sharers" during the week of the meeting. Members can make use of the story function on both Facebook and Instagram to share experiences with The GLOBE Program by answering the following prompts each day (in any order):
- "What does The GLOBE Program mean to me?"
- "Why do I love The GLOBE Program?"
- "This week at the GLOBE Annual Meeting, I learned ..."
- "If I could get better at one GLOBE thing, it would be…"
- "What I miss most about an in-person Annual Meeting is ..."
Be sure and tag The GLOBE Program on either Facbook (@TheGLOBEProgram) or Instagram (@globeprogram) in each story. (If you do, GIO will be able to share your stories on official
GLOBE program accounts.) If you haven't followed The GLOBE Program on social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube – yet, be sure to do so in advance of the meeting to get the latest from the program and the meeting itself.
Use the New Facebook Frame
Claudia Caro Vera of GLOBE Peru is modeling our Facebook Frame for the Annual Meeting.
In addition to an opportunity to "story" about your experiences with The GLOBE Program and about the annual meeting itself, there will also be a custom "Facebook Frame" that members can add to their profile picture to show their support and excitement for the program.
To find, and add, the frame to your profile image search for: "GLOBE Meeting 2021."
For more information on Facebook Frame, click here.
BE with GLOBE – Zooniverse
As part of the 2021 GLOBE Annual Meeting, GIO will again be hosting a “Benefit the Environment” or “BE with GLOBE” volunteer event. The acronym of GLOBE is “Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment,” and this optional time will highlight the “Benefit the Environment” part of the acronym. During the meeting, participants will be encouraged to sign up with Zooniverse, an online platform for people-powered research.
GIO will identify several projects that benefit science and our understanding of the environment (like counting penguins or checking images for pollinators). We would also like to highlight a GLOBE project! Participants can help NASA scientists identify cloud types, cloud cover, and events like dust storms and smoke plumes in sky photographs. (NASA GLOBE CLOUD GAZE is a partnership between NASA GLOBE Clouds and Zooniverse.) The resulting detailed information, or metadata, will validate GLOBE Cloud observations. So, BE with GLOBE and practice your cloud observations skills and help NASA study our skies.
To sign up for Zooniverse, click here.
For more information on the 2021 GLOBE Annual Meeting, click here.
If you have any questions, please contact
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office