News - University of Arkansas
Deadline for Applications for 2016 GLOBE Distinguished Educator Fellowship Extended to 05 January 2016
Dec 31, 2015
Applications for the 2016 GLOBE Distinguished Educator Fellowship are now due on 05 January 2016.
The fellowship harnesses the GLOBE community expertise in the development of new educational resources that can benefit the whole community. For the 2016 GLOBE Distinguished Educator Fellowship, there will be a total of three fellowships: one for the United States and two for GLOBE countries other than the US. All GLOBE educators, both formal and informal, are encouraged to apply.
A stipend of $650 USD will be paid to both the educator and the partnering scientist.
For more information, including a recording of the informational webinar, please see the GLOBE Distinguished Educator Fellowship - 2016 page.
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office