News - University of Arkansas
GLOBE Community: There’s a Web Tutorial for That! The GLOBE Website Made Easy!
Aug 19, 2016
Tip of the Week: Have you visited the web tutorial section of the GLOBE website lately? The resources on these pages can help you understand, and work with, the various parts of the GLOBE website.
The GLOBE website is made up of several specialized areas that allow members of the GLOBE community to engage, collaborate, and educate, as well as to enter and interact with scientific data.
Tutorials cover the main areas of the site, including:
- The main GLOBE website, which allows you to engage in The GLOBE Program, as well as to collaborate and access training and educational resources.
- The Data Entry System, which allows you to enter scientific data that school organizations have collected.
- The Visualization and Data Retrieval System, which provides tools for interacting with and retrieving scientific data that has been entered by trained community members that belong to school organizations.
If you have questions about these resources, send us an email at
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office