News - University of Arkansas
GLOBE Green-Up/Green-Down Protocol – Budburst Made Easy!
GLOBE Green-Up/Green-Down Protocol – Budburst Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: GLOBE students – as part of your efforts to explore the Biosphere (one of the four Earth spheres The GLOBE Program covers), you can dive into the Green-Up/Green-Down Protocol.
The Green-Down uses a GLOBE Plant Color Guide to help you monitor the change in color of selected leaves of trees, shrubs, and/or grasses. The Green-Up Protocol will help you monitor the budburst and growth of leaves of selected trees, shrubs, and/or grasses.
As a GLOBE student, you can also follow the step-by-step instructions provided within the Green-Up and Green-Down Field Guides.
Visit here to learn more about the Biosphere.
Visit here to learn more about GLOBE’s Teacher’s Guide, which is an online collection of background information, protocols (data collection procedures), and learning activities organized by Earth spheres: Atmosphere, Biosphere, Hydrosphere, and Soil (Pedosphere).
If you have questions about this effort, send us an email at
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office