News - University of Arkansas
GLOBE Members Update Your Profile Images
The GLOBE website's redesign was completed on 06 November 2017. Besides new features and an updated look and feel, GLOBE Program members will see updates to their My Pages, and as such The GLOBE Program is asking each member to update their profile image.
Please add a current and high resolution photo of yourself with a pixel ratio of 200 X 240 (the current size is 100 X 120). To do so, simply select "My Account" from the drop down below your name at the top right and then select "Change" under your current picture. This is also a great time to update your personal information and affiliations.
(Please note that a cropping tool will be available as part of the redesign’s new features. This feature will aid in making the image size change easy to complete, especially if members do not have access to image editing software.)
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office