News - University of Arkansas
GLOBE Regions Have Entered Over One Million Measurements into GLOBE Database!
All six of The GLOBE Program regions (Africa, Asia and Pacific, Europe and Eurasia, Latin America and Caribbean, Near East and North Africa, and North America) have now entered over ONE MILLION measurements into the GLOBE database!
The international GLOBE network has grown to include representatives from 121 participating countries and 131 U.S. Partners coordinating GLOBE activities that are integrated into their local and regional communities. Due to their efforts, there are tens of thousands of GLOBE-trained teachers representing schools around the world. GLOBE students have contributed over 150 million measurements to the GLOBE database for use in their inquiry-based science projects.
Congratulations on this significant milestone!
To keep up with the latest – and ever-growing – numbers for GLOBE schools/members, data, projects, and training, just click here!
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office