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GLOBE’s Mobile Data Entry App – Data Entry Made Easy!

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Tip of the Week: The GLOBE Data Entry App is available to the GLOBE community – and it’s all about making data entry easy! If you have an existing GLOBE account, the Data Entry App allows you to enter protocol data directly from your iOS or Android device.

After an initial download of forms, you can record your measurements in the field, and then choose to send your data to GLOBE when you have an internet connection.  The app streamlines some aspects of data entry, and allows you to use your phone's camera to document your sites and measurements. 

Put science – and adventures in learning -- in the palm of your hands!

The current version (Version 1.1) allows users to enter and edit data. The next version will allow users to create sites.

If you have questions about these resources, send us an email at

type: globe-news

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
