News - University of Arkansas
Letter to the Community
27 September 2016
Greetings from Cologne, Germany, where I participated in the Europe and Eurasia Annual Meeting this week along with GLOBE representatives from 18 countries. Here we are, together again, sharing the good work we all do!
Following the meeting many of the assembled are taking part in a meeting of the Mass (Motivate and Attract Students to Science) Project. MASS, funded by the European Commission, supports teachers in their endeavors to provide attractive and motivating approaches in teaching science, which will hopefully help to make the students' learning experiences in science more relevant, fun and accessible. It's no wonder that all countries involved in this project in the European Union are GLOBE countries!
September has been a busy month. I'd like to express my appreciation to all of you who were involved in the launch of the GLOBE Observer App on August 30 and who have continued to use the app since then. We are now one month into the exciting business of collecting and transmitting GLOBE data instantly from the palm of our hands.
If you haven't downloaded the new app yet, what are you waiting for? Really, it's a fun way to be part of a crowdsourcing experience! Download the free app; aim your mobile devise at the clouds; identify them using the easy-to-use cloud identification tool; and then simply submit your observation!
There is even an option to select your satellite overpass time. You can take your observation at the same time the satellite is flying overhead, adding additional value to your data by allowing synchronization of flyover and ground observations. You can earn a lot by looking at the sky. The more you look, the better you get, and the data you contribute is used to better understand the Earth system.
Currently the focus of the app is clouds, but in the year ahead more data parameters will be added, such as land cover and the mosquito protocol, and these will appear in future updates to your existing app. You won't need to reinstall... so why not download the app now, get comfortable using it, and be ready for all future add-ons -- opportunities to be part of this larger GLOBE citizen science initiative.
For more information on the GLOBE Observer, including how to download the app, visit:
The Lake Victoria Research Expedition Comes to a Successful Conclusion
The pilot expedition, organized by GLOBE Africa Regional Coordinating Office YLACES (Youth Learning As Citizen Environmental Scientists), and GLOBE Kenya took place from 18 through 24 September. Participants traveled around Kenya en route to Homa Bay, Kenya, where they conducted GLOBE protocols (hydrology and atmosphere, among others), GLOBE teacher trainings, and school visits. See photos of the event on YLACES Facebook as well as the GLOBE Facebook page.
La NiƱa/El Nino Field Campaign is ramping up....and it has a new name! It's now the GLOBE ENSO Student Research Campaign Phase II.
During Phase II, students will use GLOBE protocols to observe changes from climate averages and correlate temperature and precipitation measurements with observations of phenology changes. Keep checking back to discover what's new with Phase II of the campaign, including webinars, guest blogs, and discussion opportunities!
Last but not least, I want to mention the International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS)...
It's not too soon to start planning for the 2017 online event that provides students with the opportunity to present their research in an international venue, receive mentoring from STEM professionals of the GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN), and become eligible to receive a stipend to defray the cost of attending the GLOBE Annual Meeting in 2017. Consider the many incentives for your teams to be a part of the 2017 IVSS.
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I try to keep my letters short, but it's always a challenge. Inevitably there is more to share than practical to print. I select a handful of items to highlight here each month but, in fact, there are many, many notable events and accomplishments occurring throughout the GLOBE community that should be shared. You can always send us a Star and we will shine the spotlight on you too. And read the news page and the News Briefs to stay fully in touch.
Dr. Tony Murphy
Director, GLOBE Implementation Office
News Topics: Community Letters type: globe-news
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office