News - University of Arkansas
Meet 2023 GLOBE Annual Meeting Keynote Speaker Dr. Victoria Metcalf
Keynote Speaker Dr. Victoria Metcalf, New Zealand Tertiary Education Commission Principal Advisor of Vocational Education and Training (Photo Credit: Dr. Victoria Metcalf)
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Victoria Metcalf
New Zealand Tertiary Education Commission
Principal Advisor of Vocational Education and Training
Dr. Victoria Metcalf is a scientist, science communicator and stakeholder engagement specialist committed to making a difference. She has worked in the Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor as National Coordinator of the Participatory Science Platform – a flagship initiative engaging communities, educators and scientists to work together on locally meaningful community science projects – and was previously the External Engagement Advisor for the Royal Society Te Apārangi, a professional organization supporting the entire New Zealand research sector.
When asked about her thoughts on Open Science, Dr. Metcalf stated, “Open science is about democratizing science - essential for us to use science better and more wisely and to create brighter, more inclusive outcomes for people, all life and for our planet,” adding that open science is about transparency, openness, and involving people beyond the science sector as much as possible through community involvement; open science should consider who the science serves and who it might disadvantage, consider inclusivity in science and equity, and inclusivity of outcomes. Dr. Metcalf states that open science is also about considering how science sits alongside and is enhanced by other knowledge systems; “I am very passionate about a less ivory tower 'doing to' approach to science and a more open approach that challenges us whilst creating more opportunities to learn and grow and do good with science.”
Dr. Metcalf is passionate about engaging with and inspiring the wider community on global scientific issues and challenges through innovative community approaches, public speaking, media, articles, blogs and social media. She advocates for the power of community science. "A more scientifically literate world and a more community literate science sector can do more good and less harm.”
2023 GLOBE Annual Meeting
Registration is now open for the 2023 GLOBE Annual Meeting from 17-20 July 2023. During the four-day event, the GLOBE community will have the opportunity to take part in a variety of sessions.
For more information on the 2023 GLOBE Annual Meeting, click here. To register, click here.
If you have any questions, please contact
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office