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Participating in the ENSO Campaign? Join the New GLOBE Water Quality Collaboration Group!

GLOBE community members in action

Are you taking water quality measurements as part of the Phase III GLOBE ENSO (El NiƱo Southern Oscillation) Student Research Campaign? Then join the new GLOBE Water Quality Collaboration Group (GWQCG)!

Led by Bob Connick, GLOBE schools from across the world are taking water quality measurements that help explore one of the ENSO Campaign's Guiding Investigative Questions, "What is the quality of water in our environment?" When you join the GWQCG, you can share ideas, upload documents, and post questions.

By learning all about the water quality measurements in a local setting, one can learn just how these local measurements helps us understand the global picture of water quality and its health, agricultural, cultural, and socioeconomic impacts.

To join the GWQCG, click here.

type: globe-news

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
