News - University of Arkansas
SMAP Block Pattern Data Entry Form Available 16 May
As part of GLOBE's partnership with NASA's Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission, SMAP science team members worked with GLOBE to develop an additional sampling pattern for taking frequent surface soil moisture data and have included in the protocol the periodic measurement of sample volume. While this protocol has been available on the GLOBE website for some time, the data entry page for these data will be available on Friday, 16 May. Read more›
The data entry page for the SMAP Block Pattern protocol will be available in the data entry section of your "My Page." Teachers, you will need to log in to the GLOBE website and define a site for collecting soil moisture data; then the SMAP option will be available to you.
If you are comfortable with taking gravimetric soil moisture data following any of the sampling patterns, please give this new pattern and expanded protocol a try. We need schools to test this new protocol and data entry page and welcome your feedback by email to Your feedback will help as we prepare to have student data ready for comparison with calibration of SMAP following the scheduled launch in November. Data reported between now and the end of June will contribute to the trial of the mission calibration approach involving multiple sites around the world.
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office