News - University of Arkansas
So What Is the Story on the GLOBE Max/Min Thermometer? Read Dr. Dixon Butler’s Latest Blog and Find Out!
Sep 05, 2017
As Dr. Dixon Butler explains in his latest blog, “The GLOBE Max/Min Thermometer Story,” the measurement of daily maximum minimum air temperature within one hour of local solar noon has been a key GLOBE protocol. The low-cost approach was to use a U-tube thermometer housed in a wooden instrument shelter facing away from the equator – yet, there was a problem with the prolonged use of this type of thermometer.
What was the problem? And what is now the appropriate thermometer for GLOBE schools to use in instrument shelters? Read the latest blog by Dr. Dixon Butler (the Chief Scientist of The GLOBE Program from 1996 through 2003 who now serves as a consultant for NASA on GLOBE) and find out!
type: globe-news
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office