News - University of Arkansas
Teachers? Are You Ready to Get Trained in GLOBE Protocols – In-Person Training Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Teachers! You can connect your students to an international network of students, teachers, and scientists to learn more about our shared environment. For a school to fully participate in The GLOBE Program, at least one teacher must be trained in GLOBE science measurement protocols and education activities by attending a GLOBE Teacher Workshop.
To check on the upcoming GLOBE teacher training workshops, click here! Get trained and join the GLOBE community!
No training workshops in your area? Check out GLOBE’s protocol eTraining. (In order to enter GLOBE data, GLOBE users must complete the necessary training either by attending a GLOBE workshop or by completing the required online eTraining modules. Once your training is complete, you will be ready to start entering your measurements – and will be joining a community of thousands of teachers around the world!)
If you have questions about this, or need assistance, please send an email to at
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office