News - University of Arkansas
The GLOBE Science Fair Research Report Upload Tool is Now Available
The Virtual Science Fair Report Upload Tool is now available!
The 2016 GLOBE International Virtual Science Fair takes place online, and students from any GLOBE country may participate. Every project that is submitted will be hosted on in the Student Research Reports section and qualified entries will be entered for a chance to receive a stipend to attend the 2016 GLOBE Annual Meeting. There is no limit to the number of entries per student or per school and there is no limit to the number of students per project.
Research reports are due on 11 March 2016, but can be entered any time from now until the due date. (In order to get options for badges and the other required elements, you must make sure to select that the "Type of Student Research Report" is for the International Virtual Science Fair.)
If you have questions on how to enter your report, send us an email at
If you missed the webinar, “Preparing for the 2016 GLOBE International Virtual Science Fair: An Overview of Resources and the Rubrics” (held on 16 December 2015), you can connect with the archived recording, as well as PowerPoint Slides, and the Chat Archive.
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office