News - University of Arkansas
U.S. Community: Join the GLOBE Mission EARTH Teacher Webinar (16 January) and Student Follow-up Webinar (19 January): “Classroom Career Connections”
U.S. Community: Join the GLOBE Mission EARTH teacher webinar (Tuesday, 16 January/8 p.m. EST) and student follow-up webinar (Friday, 19 January/1 p.m. EST): “Classroom Career Connections.”
Webinar participants will experience the Green 360 Career Catalyst, an online college and career readiness resource, and discuss the importance of networking as a career exploration strategy with NASA scientist, Jessica Taylor. (Participants are encouraged to complete the 15-minute Interest Profiler Activity prior to the webinar.)
To join both webinars, click here.
GLOBE Mission EARTH is a collaborative of multiple institutions across the United States formed to increase involvement in The GLOBE Program. The mission is to improve education and involvement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by increasing participation of students and citizens in The GLOBE Program.
For more information on the GLOBE Mission EARTH campaign, click here.
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office