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U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: Join Thursday Watercoolers in October

Graphic of a group of people on laptops around the world

U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: Join the Thursday Watercoolers. The Watercoolers will begin at 04:10 p.m. ET with a brief update from U.S. Country Coordinator Jen Bourgeault, and will proceed with a presentation or two from a GLOBE teacher or partner, with time for questions and conversation.

October Watercooler Dates

The following Watercoolers will be held in October:

  • 08 October: “How to Hold a Data Literacy Virtual Training,” with GLOBE Partner Tracy Ostrom
  • 15 October: “GLOBE International Virtual Symposium,” with Amy Barfield, GLOBE Implementation Office
  • 29 October: “MyTree,” with the MyTree team


To register for the Watercoolers, click here.

To catch up on past Watercoolers, click here.

To read the most recent blog written by the U.S. Country Coordinator Jennifer Bourgeault, click here.

type: globe-news

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
