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U.S. GLOBE Teachers/Partners: No Watercooler This Friday (14 August) – Catch up on 21 August!

Graphic of a group of people on laptops around the world

U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: Enjoy your weekend and catch up with us next Friday, 21 August, at 3:10 p.m. ET, when Student Research Symposia (SRS) Evaluator Eleanor Jaffee (Insights Evaluation) will be presenting the evaluation results from the 2019 SRS. 

To register, click here.

The Friday Watercoolers are a chance for GLOBE teachers and partners to gather weekly to connect and share ideas. If you’ve missed any of the 2020 Watercoolers, you can catch up now!

You can watch them all from the U.S. GLOBE Watercooler YouTube Playlist.

type: globe-news

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
