News - University of Arkansas
Water in the West - A CIRES webinar
Of special interest to our GLOBE Partners in Colorado and the western United States, this notice from our supporters at CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research kn Environmental Sciences):
The first in a new four-part webinar series kicks off on October 16 at 4:30 MT with Climate Change and Water in the West Part One: Challenges for the Colorado River Basin.
Join us online as we engage in discussion with Dr. Doug Kenney, Director of the Western Water Policy Program at University of Colorado and Jeff Lukas, senior researcher at Western Water Assessment, NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory. We will focus on the Colorado River Watershed and water conservation in the West. We'll be streaming video live from the CU Boulder campus, and will take questions from the live chat. Join us!
On November 13 (4.30 MT) we'll turn our attention to the recent flood in Part Two, The Great Colorado Flood of 2013: 100 year, 1000 year, or Next Year? We will discuss the flooding event and how the Four Mile Canyon Fire burnsite impacted the flood. Join our discussion with Dr. Brian Ebel, CU Boulder, Dr. Jeff Writer and Dr. Sheila Murphy, USGS. Join us!
Two more webinars in Spring 2014 will examine extreme weather attribution and preparedness. The webinars will be of interest to citizens and policy makers interested in learning more about the role of water conservation and how it is affected by climate change.
These webinars are free and open to the public. Educators, earn .5 continuing education credit by attending both parts one and two of the webinars and completing independent assignments. Register now!
This webinar series is co-funded by the University of Colorado Outreach Office – LearnMoreAboutClimate project ( and by the NASA funded Inspiring Climate Education Excellence (ICEE) project (
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type: globe-news
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office