News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
GLOBE U.S. In-Service/Pre-Service Teachers: Natural Inquirer Opportunity Offers Stipends for Blog/Social Media Posts
U.S. GLOBE Pre-service and In-service Educators: Do you use GLOBE Protocols, Learning Activities, or Books? Do you use the Natural Inquirer journals or activities? If you answered YES to either question, there is an exciting opportunity for you!
The GLOBE Program in partnership with the USDA Forest Service is looking for K-12 pre- and in-service educators to write a blog or social media post (Pinterest, Twitter thread, etc.) connecting an issue of the Natural Inquirer with GLOBE protocols and/or learning activities. These crosswalk resources will be published on the GLOBE website and shared with educators in both communities. Stipends for published pieces,
The Natural Inquirer program produces a variety of science education materials for PreK through grade 12, including free scientific journals for an upper elementary through high school audience, and “Meet a Scientist” Readers for preK - 2nd grade students. Natural Inquirer products are produced by the USDA Forest Service, the Cradle of Forestry in America Interpretive Association (CFAIA), and other cooperators and partners.
Share this flyer with your networks, or use as a classroom assignment with your pre-service teachers!
Questions? Contact the U.S. GLOBE Office:
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office