News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
Annual Meeting Wrap Up
A special thank you to all who attended the 16th GLOBE Annual Partner Meeting. This year, the meeting was held on the campus of St. Catherine University in St. Paul, MN, U.S.A (15-20 July).
Participants were treated to inspiring reports from GLOBE regions around the world as well as meaningful updates and presentations from GLOBE Program Office (GPO) staff. In addition, the community was introduced to the new GLOBE website and participated in a lively discussion about GLOBE Program management.
There were a number of "firsts" at the meeting this year. Notably, GLOBE students and teachers who took center stage and presented their GLOBE work during the Student Research Symposium. The interactive poster session provided students and teachers from around the world an opportunity to showcase their research. To read more and see photos from the symposium, see click here.
Participants were treated to several engaging keynote addresses from the likes of Climate Scientist Katherine Hayhoe, environmental educators Mike Link and Kate Crowley and Betty Hawk from 3M.
This year, the Annual Partner Meeting featured several interactive sessions. Of primary interest: a two-day, hands-on training by GPO staff and representatives from Raytheon Web Services on the new GLOBE website. Participants were able to set up and log into their accounts on the new GLOBE website as well as gain valuable tips on how to connect with other GLOBE community members via the interactive web portal. Parallel to this, participants had the opportunity to partake in two days of hands-on training around GLOBE protocols, ESSPs and CloudSat. To see more, click here.
In addition to the great photos, we encourage you to watch the wrap-up video GPO staff put together during the Annual Meeting. Comment on it, share it and be sure to "Like" it on Facebook and YouTube.
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office