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Are you 15-30? Global Environment Outlook (GEO) for Youth is Looking for Peer Reviewers!

GEO for Youth Logo

Are you 15-30 years old? The United Nations’ Global Environment Outlook (GEO) for Youth is looking for reviewers!

GEO for Youth is a project set up by and for youth. The aim is to translate high-level, scientific messages on the state of the environment to youth, define how to create and access sustainable jobs for the future, and identify daily actions that can lead to a sustainable change. It is meant to stimulate dialogue within the youth community on environmental themes and issues, as well as to educate and provide capacity-building tools to foster active youth commitment for achieving sustainable development. More than 40 young authors from different parts of the world are working on writing the report and they have now finalized a draft that is ready for peer review.

Would you like to be involved in the GEO for Youth process and be acknowledged as a reviewer in a UN Environment publication? You don't need to be an expert or a student of environmental science! This report is for youth from different backgrounds and interests, and you can help GEO for Youth understand if the report is interesting, understandable, and right to the point!

If you are interested or you would like more information please email

For more information about GEO for Youth, click here.

type: globe-news

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
