News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
New Article Published: The Benefit of The GLOBE Program for the Development of Inquiry Competence in the Czech and Slovak Contexts
Congratulations to Nikoleta Smoľáková, Juraj Švajda, Samuel Koróny, and Jan Činčera (GLOBE Czech Republic), for the recent article "The Benefit of The GLOBE Program for the Development of Inquiry Competence in the Czech and Slovak Contexts."
The article was presented in the International Journal of Environmental and Science Education (with the YLACES Foundation providing funding for the publication of the article). The article discusses the findings of a study comparing the inquiry competence of the 8th-grade students participating in the science and environmental education program GLOBE in the Czech Republic with a sample of students of the same age not participating in the program from the Slovak and Czech Republics. Inquiry competence is analyzed as a set of variables representing students’ investigation skills, understanding of the procedure of the scientific work, their understanding of the principles of scientific work, and their interest in science. While no differences between the Czech and Slovak students not involved in the GLOBE program were found, the Czech participants achieved a higher level of inquiry competence in most of the investigated variables. Gender was an important factor for both the groups not participating in the program, while no significant difference between boys and girls was found in the group of participants.
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type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office