News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
Early Returns Promising as New GLOBE Website Receives Positive Reviews
It is being called a "game changer" and a "turning point for the GLOBE Program." This is what Partners, Country Coordinators and the U.S. Federal Agency Sponsors are saying about the new GLOBE website portal which was released in early July.
Since its release to the public, the GLOBE Program Office (GPO) technical team has been working diligently to respond to community feedback and is working with its website development partners at Raytheon Web Services to fine tune the website and add meaningful features. To that end, GPO technical has set up a Community Feedback Forum on the website which allows users to provide real-time comments, suggestions and insights. It also serves as a meaningful tool to help GPO technical implement some of the features and functions that the GLOBE community would like to see. In addition to the online forum, community members may also connect with the GLOBE Help Desk, at in order to provide comments and feedback.
From a technical vantage point, GPO is aware of and understands the GLOBE communities' interest in ensuring legacy teacher accounts and training data in the new website portal will continue to exist. To address this, Raytheon Web Services will take the user and training data provided by GPO technical and will "bulk upload" it from the old website to the new website. This process will commence in the coming weeks. Here's a look inside the numbers:
After the "bulk upload" is complete, the website will feature roughly:
- 26,000 organizations
- 28,000 teacher users
- 36,000 teacher-training records
- 1500 trainer users
- 1500 trainer training records
Because this process involves so many accounts, it will take at least one week for the process to be completed. It is important to note that website users may notice that the website is running slower than normal while this process takes place. This is to be expected and no cause for concern.
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office