News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
GLOBE Community: Do You Know Who Your U.S. Partner or Country Coordinator Is? There’s an Easy Way to Find Out!
Tip of the Week: GLOBE community members – do you know who your U.S. Partner or who your Country Coordinator is? There’s an easy way to find out, just click here!
International Partners
Internationally, GLOBE is implemented through bilateral agreements between the U.S. government and governments of partner nations. Currently, there are 121 GLOBE countries that can be viewed using the link below.
U.S. Partners
The GLOBE Program enters into partnerships with U.S. organizations, which undertake efforts to recruit GLOBE schools, train GLOBE teachers, and mentor GLOBE teachers and their students in their efforts to implement GLOBE and engage in GLOBE research activities. States and territories where GLOBE partners are active can be found using the link below
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type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office