News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
GLOBE Community: Have You Seen GLOBE’s Recent YouTube Offerings? Catching Up With GLOBE Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Have you visited GLOBE YouTube page lately? If not, it can provide an entertaining opportunity to catch up on GLOBE community efforts from around the world. (for example, click here to check out the “Reflections from Our 2021/2022 GLOBE Student Vloggers” which shares their experiences from the past year.
GLOBE’s YouTube page includes informational videos about The GLOBE Program; recent videos from the GLOBE Implementation Office to the community; videos covering the GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium and the yearly U.S. regional Student Science Symposia; videos from recent GLOBE Learning Expeditions and Annual Meetings; and so much more!
Take a minute and see what GLOBE’s been up to! To visit the page, click here.
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office