News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
GLOBE Community: Need a Project Collaborator? Find One Today – Collaboration Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Need a Project Collaborator? Then visit the GLOBE website and use this handy tool to find GLOBE community members who are interested in collaborating on GLOBE projects, protocols, and/or other activities!
On the search results page, you can select a person's name or organization to learn more about them. If you'd like to collaborate, select “Request Friend” next to the person's name. This will send an email to the member asking if they'd like to collaborate. If they approve your request, you will receive an email confirming they have accepted your invitation. As friends, you'll see an email link on their “My Page” and will have access to their message board (or Wall).
Questions about this tool? Please send us an email at
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office