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GLOBE Community: Thanks for Participating in the GLOBE Data Quality Challenge 2016

Data Quality Challenge Banner

GLOBE would like to thank all of the community members who participated in the Data Quality Challenge! Your work in comparing site locations associated with your account, and correcting the ones that needed to be corrected, is greatly appreciated! Data entry is about quality as much as quantity!

This challenge was for anyone who enters, or who has entered, data into the GLOBE database. The goal, as always, is to have our community members check the GPS coordinates used for all data collection sites. The majority of the coordinates defined in GLOBE's database are based on hand-entered efforts, so an occasional mistake is possible. If coordinates are incorrectly recorded they can skew the relationships being analyzed in the same way as when measurement readings are erroneously recorded. GLOBE’s system has ways of avoiding false data from either being entered or displayed, but only you can ensure that the location of a site is correct.

And even though there may not be an official “Data Quality Challenge” going on – the goal is to always have community members checking data for accuracy. Your diligence in this area is always greatly appreciated.

BONUS! All of those who participated in the Challenge will be receiving information shortly on how to claim your participation badge to show on your profile! Thank You!

Have questions? Please contact us at! 

type: globe-news

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
