News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
GLOBE/NASA Satellite Partnership Activities in May/June 2014
Along with the ongoing CloudSat and CALIPSO missions, the GLOBE Program is involving educators and students in activities related to two additional NASA satellite missions in 2014:
- Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM), which was launched on 28 February
- Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP), scheduled for launch in November
During a major rehearsal of the SMAP calibration and validation system during May and June 2014, the SMAP science team encourages GLOBE schools to collect soil moisture measurements that could be compared to the simulated SMAP observations. Students collecting and reporting measurements during this period will provide a major field test of the modified protocol, and any lessons learned can be incorporated by GLOBE before SMAP launch. This will also serve as an opportunity for GLOBE teachers and students to become familiar with the modified soil moisture protocol aligned to SMAP data needs.
To find out more about GLOBE campaigns related to NASA satellite missions, see the Satellite Partnerships page.
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office