News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
GLOBE Partners, Teachers, Scientists: Please Complete Annual Survey by 31 January
This year, The GLOBE Program is inviting all GLOBE partners, scientists, and teachers to participate in the GLOBE Annual Survey. By broadening the reach of the survey, previously meant for partners only, the goal is to learn more about the needs of all members of The GLOBE community. Your feedback to questions, developed with the help of the Working Groups, provides the data GLOBE needs to better serve community membersyou in the years ahead.
Please take a few minutes of your time complete the survey. It is expected to take:
- 15 - 20 minutes for partners;
- 10 - 15 minutes for teachers; and
- 05 - 10 minutes for scientists.
Click here to enter the survey:
It is important to complete the survey in one sitting, as your responses will NOT be saved if you exit the survey prior to completion. Deadline for completing the survey is 31 January 2016.
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office