News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
GLOBE Seeks Input on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Action Plan in Spanish, French, and Arabic – Submit by 10 December
Over the past year, GLOBE has assembled a Task Force of GLOBE members to focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). In October, the Task Force developed draft definitions, a vision and mission statement, and an action plan related to DEI (“DEI Statements”) – and requested member feedback. The GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) would like to thank everyone who submitted feedback to the survey.
There is now an opportunity to translate the DEI Statements into Spanish, French, and Arabic. If you would like to comment on the DEI Statements in these languages, please use the following form to comment in your respective language:
- Click here to access the Spanish Translated Feedback Form:Retroalimentación - Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión
- Click here to access the French Translated Feedback Form:Commentaires - GLOBE Diversité, Equité et Inclusion
- Click here to access the Arabic Translated Feedback Form:مقترحات – لفريق عمل GLOBE للتنوع والمساواة والشمول
The comment period has been reopened in these languages until 10 December.
If you have already submitted your feedback in English, there is no need to submit another form. The English language comment period for this feedback survey has closed, and the feedback provided in English is being reviewed.
For more information, visit the DEI Task Force webpage.
If you have any questions or comments. please contact
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office