News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
GLOBE Teachers: Ask Questions Prior to 19 January Webinar “Getting Started with Your Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Projects”
The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign has entered Phase II of the Campaign’s Year 3 Scaffold, “The Science and Planning Student Research.” During this phase, the campaign will be highlighting how to use the science, data, and online tools from the Phase I (the science) of Year 3 in the development of student research project ideas.
First Phase II Webinar
The first webinar in Phase II will be on Tuesday, 19 January, at 02:00 p.m. EST (07:00 p.m. UTC: “Getting Started with your Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Projects: An Open Forum Webinar with Students, Educators, and the Trees Campaign Core Team.”
With the first four months of the campaign focusing on the science (Tree Height, Greenings, Carbon Cycle, and Land Cover), the focus will now be on how to take that science and create student research projects. Webinar participants will hear from several students across The GLOBE Program about how they have begun their research projects related to trees, and there will be a focus on some specific research questions that students can undertake for their projects. All teachers, and their students, are invited to attend this webinar in order to promote informal discussions on how students can begin their student research projects.
Teachers: Ask Your Questions Prior to the Webinar!
Do your students want to do student research, but aren't sure where to begin? Do you have questions you would like answered about student research related to trees? Please submit your questions to: Dorian Janney prior to the webinar, and we will try our best to have an answer for you during the webinar.
If you are interested in joining the webinar, please send an email to Campaign Lead, Brian Campbell.
To learn more about the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign, click here.
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office