News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
GLOBE Teachers: NASA Wavelength Now Sharing Scientific Research in Blogs
Teachers can now share first-hand stories (blogs) from scientists in the classroom. In order to celebrate Earth Science Week’s theme of Visualizing Earth Systems, NASA scientists, visualizers and others affiliated with NASA Earth science have agreed to share their research and expertise in blog posts, which can be used throughout the year.
The blogs, which are written for middle and high school student audiences, highlight the latest in the creation and scientific utilization of visualizations. In addition to the scientific information provided, the blogs also offer personal stories of scientists engaged in the development of scientific knowledge [a Next Generation Science Standard (NGSS) component under Science and Engineering Practices]. NASA also offers a “Reading Strategies Guide” that teachers can use to help teach science.
NASA Wavelength is a reviewed collection of Earth and space science education resources for educators: elementary-college levels and in out-of-school programs.
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office