News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
GLOBE Website News and Upgrades - January 2013
If you have participated in GLOBE in the last 16-years, chances are, there is a digital record of your involvement. The GLOBE Program Office (GPO) technical team has been migrating all of your user data and training records from the old GLOBE website to the current website. Phase one of this "bulk upload" of user data is now complete.
This brings the total number of migrated teachers from the old website to the new website to approximately 26,000 trainers, participants and teachers that had unique email addresses in the old web system and who had names that did not appear to already be in the new web system.
Currently, phase two of the migration process is underway. This practice involves investigating the training requestors, trainers and participants that were not migrated over to the news web system in phase one––roughly 44,000 people who have contributed to GLOBE.
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office