News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project Update
Colombia, Brazil, and Peru Organize GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project Country Mosquito Training “Triple Frontier”
The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Region continues to demonstrate strong regional collaboration in the GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project. On 03 May, Colombia, Brazil, and Peru organized a “Triple Frontier” Country Mosquito Training (CMT) in Leticia, Colombia. Over 130 individuals participated in the workshop, where they received training on how to use the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper App for mosquito larvae species identification and mosquito habitat elimination. Triple Frontier attendees included community leaders, public health officials, teachers, and students. This is the second “Triple Frontier” CMT for the LAC region. Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay organized the first “Triple Frontier” CMT in August 2018, training over 60 individuals. The GLOBE Program acknowledges Mr. Carlos Acuña Caldera (Colombia Country Coordinator), Dr. Nadia Sacenco (Brazil Space Agency Zika Project Coordinator), Mr. José Martín Cárdenas Silva (Peru Country Coordinator), and Ms. Mariana Savino (LAC Regional Coordinator for the Zika Education and Prevention Project) for their collaborative leadership on this event.
Student Teams Submitting Mosquito-related Research Reports to the GLOBE 2019 International Virtual Science Symposium Selected to Present at GLOBE’s 23rd Annual Meeting
Students from the 30 countries participating in the GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project submitted a total of 18 mosquito-related research projects for the GLOBE 2019 International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS). The student reports offered a wide range of research topics, including mosquito behavior analysis (combining protocols from the GLOBE mosquito protocol bundle); collecting mosquito species-type and quantity data over diverse geographic regions; and providing community-specific education and engagement recommendations to reduce the spread of mosquito-borne diseases. GLOBE would like to thank all of the students, teachers, and advisors for their mosquito-based IVSS report submissions.
Two student teams from each of the regions participating in the Zika project were selected to present their mosquito research at GLOBE’s 23rd Annual Meeting:
Africa Region
- Kenya (St. Scholastica Catholic School): “Research on mosquitoes and diseases they transmit”
- Madagascar (University of Antanananarivo): “Surveillance of Aedes albopictus mosquitoes vectors of ZIKA in urban area”
Asia and Pacific Region
- Philippines (Batasan Hills National High School): “Community-based mosquito Vector prevention model: conceptual approach to mitigating the risk of mosquito threats thru community empowerment and education”
- Thailand (Montfort College Primary Section): “Dengue situation with different ecological and environmental factors in the sub-district in Chiang Mai, Thailand”
Latin America and Caribbean Region
- Argentina (Science Club Huechulafquen): “Distribution and abundance of mosquitoes in the world. Preliminary report”
- Colombia (Colombia GLOBE v-School): “Comparative studies of larvae of mosquitoes present in the gardenia's urbanization, barranquilla-colombia”
GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project Mosquito Training and Data Points Metrics
As of May 2019, countries participating in the GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project have organized over 120 CMTs and 25 Local Mosquito Workshops (LMWs); collectively, they have added 80,450 data points to the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper App. The GLOBE Program acknowledges the 30 participating countries and their ongoing work to support the project objectives to: limit the spread of the Zika virus; engage local communities in mosquito education and habitat elimination; and add 100,000 mosquito data points to the GLOBE database.
To learn more about the GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project, click here.
To follow along, and share your project updates on social media, use #GLOBEZika
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office