News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
Keeping Up with GLOBE Star Stories? Read About Our Latest Stars!
Have you been keeping up with the latest GLOBE Star Stories? GLOBE Stars are stories of projects, people and extraordinary activities being conducted around the world in connection to GLOBE. These GLOBE Stars are the bright lights that spark our imagination and inspire us with news of GLOBE at work in the world.
Read our most recent Star Story: “One Student-One Tree” Initiative Encourages Community Awareness. On 01 September 2021, the “One Student-One Tree” initiative took center stage at the Winfield High School in Khammam, Telangana, India. On 20 September, a webinar focused on this initiative took place, with 93 participants from eight countries in GLOBE’s Asia and Pacific Region.
Are you a GLOBE Star? Share Your Story!
Are you a GLOBE Star? If so, GLOBE wants to hear all about it! Send your story of people, projects, or activities to share on the GLOBE website.
To learn more about GLOBE Stars, and to use the new easier-to-use template for submitting your GLOBE Star Story, click here.
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office