News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
Message from the GLOBE Sponsors: GLOBE Implementation Office Recompete
On 28 July 2023, NASA formally launched the GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) cooperative agreement competition by releasing the final solicitation text that can be found here. The reason for launching this open competition is that the current GIO cooperative agreement, awarded to University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) nearly ten years ago, will expire in mid-2024. As stated in the NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual, NASA cooperative agreements are typically five years or less in duration and not renewed more than once.
Together with the GLOBE Data and Information System (DIS), the GIO is one of two important infrastructure components that NASA funds and oversees to enable the worldwide implementation of The GLOBE Program. The GIO is expected to lead and provide enabling support infrastructure related to three key elements in order to achieve GLOBE’s vision, mission, and strategic priorities: community engagement and support; science; and training, education and public engagement. Organizations of every type based in the U.S. are eligible to propose. NASA anticipates awarding one to three cooperative agreement(s) totaling up to $4.5M per year for five years. See the NASA NSPIRES solicitation page for more information regarding eligibility, proposal requirements, pre-proposal telecon recording and slides, and Q&A.
NASA and all of the GLOBE Program’s U.S. federal co-sponsors, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the U.S. Department of State (DOS), have been involved in the drafting of the GIO solicitation. The proposals will be evaluated by qualified and unconflicted peer reviewers who are knowledgeable about The GLOBE Program and/or proposal content subject matters. NASA and The GLOBE Program federal co-sponsors welcome nominations, including self-nominations, of proposal reviewers here. All of the GLOBE Program’s U.S. federal sponsors will continue to participate in and ensure a fair, open, and competitive competition following established guidelines and with the GLOBE Community’s best interests in mind.
The approximate timeline of the GIO competition is as follows:
- 23 May 2023: draft solicitation released for community comment
- 28 July 2023: final solicitation released
- 10 August 2023: pre-proposal teleconference
- 6 October 2023: Step-1 proposal due
- 20 December 2023: Step-2 proposal due
- January/February 2024: proposal review
- April 2024: selection announcement
- 1 May 2024: start of new GIO cooperative agreement(s) if there will be a transition
- 1 September 2024: start of new GIO cooperative agreement(s) if there is no transition
The GLOBE Community is welcome to direct comments about this GIO competition to any of the federal sponsors. Comments and questions specific to the NASA solicitation content should be directed to Amy P. Chen, NASA GLOBE Program Manager.
Amy P. Chen, NASA GLOBE Program Manager,
Allison K. Leidner, NASA GLOBE Program Senior Advisor,
Kia Henry, Public Diplomacy Officer and DOS GLOBE Point of Contact,
John McLaughlin, Education Program Manager and NOAA GLOBE Point of Contact,
Brandon Jones, Program Director and NSF GLOBE Point of Contact,