News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
Mid-June 2014 GLOBE News Brief
Image of the Week
Solar lighting through Lighting a Billion Lives has changed the lives of students in hundreds of un-electrified villages in India. For these students, studying is no longer a struggle as they are able to do so with better illumination and without harmful C02 emissions. Dr. Ibrahim Hafeez Rehman, Director of the Social Transformation Division of the Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and the Lighting a Billion Lives program, will be a guest speaker at this year's GLOBE Learning Expedition in New Delhi, India, from 4-8 August. To view the video, click on the image above.
Countdown to the GLOBE Learning Expedition
How many days, hours and minutes remain until the start of the opening ceremonies?
Click here for the digital GLE countdown clock.
GLOBE Learning Expedition Updates
Visas for India are taking longer than usual to process in the United States and possibly other countries as well. Be sure to get your visa application started as soon as possible.
Two of our conference hotels are already full. Other conference hotel rooms are still available. The sooner you register, the more options you will have.
Pack for warm, rainy weather.
Bring mosquito repellant and closed toe shoes for field days.
We need flight arrival and departure information for all participants! If you registered for the GLE before purchasing you airline ticket, return to the registration site and add this information to ensure that your New Delhi airport transfers go smoothly.
Participants are encouraged to consult with their local medical authorities concerning recommended vaccinations for travel to India.
Don't forget to research your travel insurance options and select the best travel medical policy to ensure that you will be prepared, in case of emergencies, while traveling abroad.
Student Research Projects Abstracts Due 30 June
Teachers; If your students are planning to attend the 2014 GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) in August and are presenting a research project, your abstract is due no later than 30 June 2014. Read more here.
Three GLOBE and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Alignment Webinars:
Date: 29 July (all three webinars)
Time: 2 PM EDT (Eastern Daylight Time - North America)
GLOBE and NGSS Alignment for K-12 Educators
This 45 minute webinar will provide K-12 teachers with an overview of the GLOBE Program's Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) alignment resources. Learn how to identify which NGSS practices fit into your classroom implementation of GLOBE protocols. Presenters will also demonstrate how to use the GLOBE/NGSS document to identify which GLOBE protocols and activities can be used in the development of an NGSS unit addressing one or more connected NGSS Student Performance Expectations.
Register by clicking here.
Time: 3 PM EDT (Eastern Daylight Time - North America)
GLOBE and NGSS Alignment for GLOBE Partnerships and Trainers
Find out about The GLOBE Program's NGSS Alignment resources for United States GLOBE Partners and Trainers. Presenters will introduce each section of the alignment and participants will discuss how these resources should be integrated into future GLOBE Professional Development workshops.
Register by clicking here.
Time: 5 PM EDT (Eastern Daylight Time - North America)
Lessons Learned - Developing the Alignment between the Next Generation Science Standards and GLOBE
Is your organization planning to undergo the process of aligning curriculum materials to the Next Generation Science Standards? Listen as members of The GLOBE Program alignment team share lessons learned from the year-long alignment project.
Register by clicking here.
Time Zone Conversion Tool: Click here.
New School Status Reporting Tool on GLOBE Website
The new school status reporting tool has been launched on the GLOBE. gov website. This tool will allow Country Coordinators and U.S. Partners to be able to view the data reporting status of schools in their country. The functionality is similar to the reporting tool in the old website, but includes more powerful filtering options. Read more here.
Community Spotlight
Meet your GLE host in New Delhi
Dr. Desh Bandhu
President of the Indian Environmental Society and GLOBE Asia and Pacific Region Coordinator, Dr. Bandhu is our man behind the scenes at this year's GLE. Read more here.
Sponsor News
GLOBE/NASA Partnerships
Teachers, prepare to take part in the two new NASA Earth Orbiting Satellite Missions. Learn how you can involve your students, by clicking on the links below.
- Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM), launched in February 2014
- Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP), scheduled for launch in November 2014
Connect With Us
The GLOBE Program depends on you to let us know what is happening in your regions, countries, communities and classrooms. Send us news you would like to share with the GLOBE Community and we'll include it in next month's News Brief. Be sure to include photos, too.
Send your message to
Be sure to follow us on social media! Just click on the icons below.
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office