News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
NASA GLOBE Observer Hosts Facebook Live Event 09 November – Buzzing About Mosquitoes
NASA GLOBE Observer is hosting a Facebook Live event on Thursday, 09 November, at 3:00 p.m. ET. The event will focus on mosquito science and citizen science, and is a part of the celebration of the culmination of a global experiment using the Mosquito Habitat Mapper App in connection with International Science Center and Science Museum Day (which is 10 November). Watch the event at:
GLOBE Observer invites you to make environmental observations that complement NASA satellite observations to help scientists studying Earth and the global environment. By using the GLOBE Observer app, which is available in iOS and Android formats, you are joining the GLOBE community and contributing important scientific data to NASA and GLOBE, your local community, and students and scientists worldwide.
The Mosquito Habitat Mapper, included in the GLOBE Observer App, allows you to identify potential breeding sites for mosquitoes, sample and count mosquito larvae, and (with optional equipment), examine and photograph a specimen to identify its genus. Your observations are contributing to a global database that will be used to by scientists to verify predictive models of mosquito population dynamics based on satellite data. In addition, public health authorities have access to this mosquito data for use in managing disease risk in communities.
To learn more about GLOBE Observer, and to download the app, click here!
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office