News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
November 2014 GLOBE News Brief
Image of the Week
Los Angeles, California, USA has been selected as the location of the 2015 GLOBE Annual Partner Meeting. Reserve the dates for what promises to be the most exciting GLOBE gathering of 2015.
- 20-24 July 2015: Annual Meeting of partners, scientists, sponsors and student researchers
- 19 July 2015: Meeting of GLOBE Working Groups
The event will be hosted by Henry Ortiz, Los Angeles (LA) Unified School District GLOBE Partner, with the support of GLOBE partners and others. This will be a special meeting celebrating the 20th Anniversary of The GLOBE Program. You won't want to miss it!
Read more>
2015 Calendar Art Competition

Thanks to all teachers who encouraged their students to enter the GLOBE Student Art Competition to illustrate the 2015 GLOBE calendar with a satellite theme. All entries can be viewed here.
Judging to select the winning artwork is currently underway. You, too, can play a part in awarding points by voting for your favorite picture on Facebook.
Website Enhancements
Looking to collaborate with someone on a science project? A new 'Find a Collaboration Partner' tool is coming to the website in November. Use the Collaboration Partner search tool to find someone based on their country, language, protocol interest, grade level and more.
Also in the works is the development of a data entry mobile app to allow GLOBE members to enter data out in the field on their mobile device. More information coming soon.
GLOBE Distinguished Educator Fellowship

GLOBE invites applications for the new Distinguished Educator Fellowship. Use your expertise to develop new educational resources for GLOBE. Two Fellowships will be awarded to teachers who propose individual learning activities for the GLOBE community. The Fellowships include a stipend. Read more about this opportunity here.
Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists (YLASES)

Through recognition and financial reward programs, Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists assists and rewards the implementation of inquiry-based, experiential science education where students do science and contribute to understanding of our environment. Grants range from support for taking simple measurements to teacher professional development and working for pervasive inclusion of student research projects in science teaching. Read more>
Congratulations to the eleven GLOBE countries celebrating anniversaries of successful GLOBE implementation during November:
Chad - 19 years
28 November 1995
Mexico - 18 years
15 November 1996
Micronesia - 17 years
07 November 1997
Honduras - 17 years
13 November 1997
Pakistan - 17 years
18 November 1997
Mali - 17 years
19 November 1997
Cameroon - 16 years
06 November 1998
Lebanon - 16 years
23 November 1998
Cypress - 16 years
24 November 1998
Uganda - 16 years
26 November 1998
Malta - 7 years
29 November 2007
Sponsor News
NOAA's Office of Education has awarded five institutions the Environmental Literacy Grants for Building Capacity of Informal and Formal Educators.
These five awards support two collaborative projects: Advancing Climate Literacy through Investment in In-service and Pre-service Science Educators (ACLIPSE)
Carbon Networks: Using Local and Regional Datasets, Visualizations and Narratives to Build Educator Capacity about Ocean Acidification and Global Change. Read more>
Connect With Us
The GLOBE Program depends on you to let us know what is happening in your regions, countries, communities and classrooms. Send us news you would like to share with the GLOBE Community and we'll include it in next month's News Brief. Be sure to include photos, too.
Send your message to
Be sure to follow us on social media! Just click on the icons below.
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office