News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
When Can Observations of Daily Precipitation be Reported? Read Dr. Dixon Butler’s Latest Blog and Find Out!
Sep 11, 2017
As Dr. Dixon Butler explains in his latest blog,”Daily Precipitation – Now May be Reported at Any Time of Day,” observations of daily precipitation have been a part of GLOBE from the beginning. At the start, GLOBE’s participation model was that schools would take measurements following all of the original protocols. Daily temperature and precipitation measurements were to be taken within one hour of local solar noon – a time expected to coincide with a school’s mid-day lunch break.
How have the protocols been freed from this time constraint? Read the latest blog by Dr. Dixon Butler (the Chief Scientist of The GLOBE Program from 1996 through 2003 who now serves as a consultant for NASA on GLOBE) and find out!
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office