News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
Where Will the Next Generation of Scientists Come From? Recent Article in Environmental Biophysics Looks to The GLOBE Program
In an article published on 10 April, Environmental Biophysics interviewed former GLOBE Chief Scientists, Dr. Dixon Butler in search of an answer to “where will the next generation of scientists come from.”
Providing an in-depth overview of The GLOBE Program, including the impact the program is having in schools worldwide, why the program uses “kids” (students) to collect data, whether GLOBE data can be used by scientists, and the future of The GLOBE Program, Dr. Butler explains that many scientists may indeed come from the ranks of those learning science, and the scientific approach, from GLOBE.
“Young minds,” Dixon says in the article, “need to experience the scientific approach of developing hypotheses, taking careful, reproducible measurements, and reasoning with data. Inquiries should begin early and grow in quality and sophistication as learners progress in literacy, numeracy, and understanding scientific concepts. In addition to fostering critical thinking skills, active engagement in scientific research at an early age also builds skills in mathematics and communications. These kids will grow up knowing how to think scientifically. They’ll ask better questions, and they’ll be harder to fool. I think that’s what the world needs, and I see the environment and science as the easiest path to get there.”
Click here to read the entire article.
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office