
The first time I have ever witnessed a solar eclipse was on March 29, 2006, in the southwestern part of Nigeria. As an undergraduate student who majored in Geography, I was curious to know how the celestial event would happen. Indeed, I was able to witness the partial solar eclipse which was an awe-inspiring celestial event, but was not opportune to study the effect of the unique phenomena on...

Posted in: Curriculum: STEM Field Campaigns: Surface Temperature GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN): GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) GLOBE Mission Earth News: Student Research & Activities Learning Activities: Atmosphere and Climate Primary Audience: Scientists Students Teachers Student Research Reports: Mission Earth Report

For the past three years, the GLOBE Mission Earth (GME) Team at the University of Toledo, Ohio has been teaching and mentoring NASA-SEES high school students across the United States in the study of the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE) and Air Quality. In 2023, the NASA-SEES High School Virtual Internship Program had 20 interns for both the UHIE and Air Quality Groups. During the 6-week virtual...

Posted in: Curriculum: Education Research STEM GLOBE Working Groups: Evaluation Working Group Science Working Group Education Working Group Technology Working Group Investigation Areas: Atmosphere Hydrosphere Earth As a System Pedosphere (Soil) Biosphere Primary Audience: Country Coordinators Partners Scientists Students Teachers Trainers Student Research Reports: U.S. Student Research Symposia (SRS) Mission Earth Report

The Summer 2022 NASA SEES Internship program was a memorable one for the GLOBE Mission EARTH (GME) Team! The 6-week period of hard work, commitment, and dedication by all members led to creative and outstanding research projects from both the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE) and the Air Quality Initiative (AQI) Teams. The wide geographical spread of the NASA SEES students allows them to take...

Posted in: Curriculum: Education Research Science and Math Technology STEM GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN): GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) Student Research Reports: Mission Earth Report

                                           My involvement in the Stem Enhancement in Earth Science (SEES) program started sometime around early spring 2021. The involvement was preceded by a strong recommendation from Dr. Kevin Czajkowski, PI, GLOBE Mission Earth, The University of Toledo....

Posted in: Curriculum: Assessment and Evaluation Education Research Science and Math Technology STEM Field Campaigns: Watersheds SMAP Surface Temperature GPM GLOBE Science Topics: Earth as a System Investigation Areas: Atmosphere Hydrosphere Pedosphere (Soil) Biosphere Learning Activities: Earth as a System Primary Audience: Partners Scientists Students

Writing this blog does not mark a complete severance of my link with GLOBE Nigeria and GLOBE Africa as a whole, a country, and a continent, I espoused and loved right from my primary school about 25 years ago. As observed by many Nigerians, I am qualified to be described as a passionate GLOBE Man. These successes can be traced back to the travel grant that I received in 2013 from the National...

Posted in: Curriculum: STEM Event Topics: Workshops Campaigns and Projects (IOPs, etc) GLOBE Science Topics: Earth System Science Scientist Skills GLOBE Working Groups: Science Working Group Learning Activities: Atmosphere and Climate Primary Audience: Scientists