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Sandro Sutti, modified 5 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 2/8/12 Recent Posts

Dear friends, we are pleased to announce the RIVERS IN SPRING (Fiumi di Primavera) event, which celebrates the 20th edition of the World Water Day 2020 in Mantova, Northern Italy.
It will take place on March 20 next.

More information at the Event section of the Italian pages.

The Program of the Exhibitors running Activities can be downloaded from the GLOBE ITALIA website at the following address: https://www.globeitalia.it/

We warmly invite the National Coordinators to ask teachers and researchers to promote scientific, creative and communication actions in schools, universities and their communities in the days preceding / coinciding with / or following the official date (March 22) in collaboration with their respective partners and with citizenship to raise awareness among decision makers about the need to make interventions for the study and defense of the quality of the aquatic systems and the ecosystem services they offer and against the climate change.

We invite the National Coordinators to share the scheduled actions with short reports and with reports accompanied by photos and videos of the actions that will be carried out.
Sandro Sutti  e Lorella Rigonat

Sandro Sutti       Cel. 333 805 4566
Lorella Rigonat  Cel. 338 210 6828   rigolory@yahoo.it
web   www.globeitalia.it   www.labtercrea.it    


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