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Get Ready for the Regional Student Research Symposia

U.S. GLOBE partners, educators, and students are gearing up for the 2025 Regional Student Research Symposia (SRS). The symposia offer students in grades 5–12 the chance to discuss research projects with STEM professionals, share ideas with and learn from peers, and explore STEM careers.

Dates and locations for four events have been posted on the SRS calendar page. More details will be provided leading up to the events.

  • 15–16 April: Midwest SRS at the Annis Water Resources Institute in Muskegon, Michigan
  • TBD: Southwest SRS at Mescalero Apache School in Mescalero, New Mexico
  • 24–25 April: Pacific and Northwest SRS at NASA AMES Research Center in Mountain View, California
  • 30–31 May: Northeast and Mid-Atlantic SRS at Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts

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News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
