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GLOBE 2016 International Virtual Science Fair – Shareable Images
Do you want to share information about the Virtual Science Fair? The GLOBE Program now has images that you can share via email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
The GLOBE 2016 International Virtual Science Fair takes place online, and students from any GLOBE country may participate. GLOBE students should use the GLOBE data they entered into the database and should collaborate with scientists, including scientists who are part of the GLOBE International Scientists' Network (GISN). This is a great opportunity for students to practice the skills they've learned through their involvement in The GLOBE Program and apply them to address real-world problems. It can be hard work, but the excitement that comes with discovery and new insights makes it worthwhile.
If you have any questions regarding the 2016 International Virtual Science Fair, please email
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office