News - Wayne RESA
Join the Ward's Science Challenge Supporting The GLOBE Program
It’s more important than ever to find fun and engaging ways to teach about the Earth's climate. Ward's Science has collaborated with GLOBE to assist you in participating in their program.
The GLOBE Year of Climate and Carbon (YCC) campaign provides a fantastic opportunity to encourage students and citizen scientists to make an impact on the world. Ward's Science has partnered with GLOBE to support its Green-Up / Green-Down and Air Temperature protocols to provide inquiry-based climate activities for students. A protocol is a standardized approach for collecting and documenting data to ensure uniformity of data in various parts of the world.
Participation Incentives
From now until June 30, 2024, Ward’s Science will help GLOBE educators contribute to our global understanding of the planet and save on the cost of any of our science products. Educators will receive different rewards depending on the number of observations submitted. Here's the breakdown:
1. Tier 1 (1-10 observations) – $10 off a purchase of $100 or more
2. Tier 2 (11-100 observations) - $15 off a purchase of $100 or more
3. Tier 3 (101-500 observations) - $20 off a purchase of $100 or more
4. Tier 4 (501-1000 observations) - $25 off a purchase of $100 or more
5. Tier 5 (>1000 observations) - $30 off a purchase of $100 or more
How It Works: A Call to Action for Educators
We invite educators everywhere to lead their students in this stimulating scientific inquiry project focused on Green-Up/Green-Down and Air Temperature. Participating is simple:
1. Collect data with your students for the Green-Up/Green-Down protocols or Air Temperature protocols.
2. Submit your findings on the GLOBE website by June 30, 2024.
To submit GLOBE data via the website, you must be a GLOBE-trained educator. To learn more about how to become a GLOBE educator and be part of the worldwide GLOBE Community go to