News - Wayne RESA
Quarterly Message to the Community January 2019
Quarterly Message to the Community
Transcript of the 2019 1st Quarterly Video Address -- recorded in the UCAR Media Center, January 29, 2019.
Hello Everyone!
As most of you know, I am Dr. Tony Murphy, Director of the GLOBE Implementation Office in Boulder, Colorado, USA. I have decided to change my monthly written letters to the community into quarterly video messages!
So ... welcome to 2019! There is so much happening in the world ... and so much change taking place. I know that GLOBE will continue to be a vehicle for positive change and international cooperation, which has never been more important. One thing that never seems to change is the energy in the GIO. I meet with my staff weekly and with individuals and visitors daily. It's a supercharged environment, where we launch projects, work with SSAI to maintain the database, provide guidance for teachers, create opportunities for students, maintain the content on the website, put up your stories, answer your questions from our help desk, plan events, present, and on and on ... all the things that keep The GLOBE Program working for you.
Right now, we are supporting many regional meetings, campaigns and events, but today I'd like to encourage you to participate in two opportunities that are available to everyone in the GLOBE community worldwide.
#1: The International Student Science Symposium (or IVSS). The IVSS is a way for primary through undergraduate students from all GLOBE countries to showcase their excellent work. This is not your ordinary science fair... what makes it different is the opportunity for your students to have their projects be seen by students from all over the world and to be reviewed by several international scientists and educators. In addition, each project that meets all the requirements will be eligible to be entered into a drawing to receive funds to help defray the costs of attending the 2019 GLOBE Annual Meeting in Detroit, Michigan, USA. Go to the GLOBE website, type: 2019 IVSS into the search box and you'll quickly get to the IVSS webpages with all details.
#2: Registration is now open for the Annual Meeting to be held in Detroit, Michigan, USA from 14 -18 July 2019.
Unlike the GLOBE Learning Expedition in Ireland this past year which was created primarily for students, the Annual Meeting is an event for the entire community. GLOBE Annual Meetings bring together GLOBE Country Coordinators and U.S. Partnership Coordinators, scientists and educators, as well as Partnering Organizations from around the world to address key science and education elements of GLOBE. The Annual Meeting presents a wonderful opportunity for everyone to learn about the latest scientific research and other developments in the Program, meet others in the GLOBE Community and hold dialogues on effective methods to enhance the GLOBE educational process in the classroom.
There is also a specific student component to the event, where students will spend two nights at Howell Nature Center under the supervisions of adult participants and science educators, focused on an interactive, outdoor science experience. We have space for exactly 60 students in this Student Experience, so be sure to register your students early to reserve their space.
If you are an adult interested in presenting at this year's meeting, please note that the deadline to submit your presentation abstract is March 15.
I am pleased to learn, from all of you, about so many events that have recently taken place, including:
- the regional GLE to Lake Pokhara in Nepal;
- the Annual Student Conferences in Japan and in Lithuania;
- and the Urban Heat Island Campaign;
- the Latin American AND Caribbean Meeting in Panama, the Europe and Eurasia regional meeting in France, the NENA regional meeting in Jordan,
events that are ongoing, including the:
- GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project in the Africa, Asia and Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean regions alongside the GLOBE Mission Mosquito Field Measurement Campaign
- the Trees around the GLOBE campaign and Croatia for its informational webinars
- and Europe and Eurasia's Phenology Campaign
and events that are upcoming, including:
- the United States Regional Science Symposia
- the GLOBE Games in Czech Republic
- Regional Meetings in the United States for North America, Madagascar for Africa, Republic of Korea for Asia and Pacific.
- And others too numerous to mention
Clearly it's not just the GLOBE home office that keeps busy ... it is all of you, from all over the world, who are committed to keeping The GLOBE Program vibrant and growing.
One question I have for you, is: DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS FOR ME?
Considering our rather large mailing list, I doubt I will be able to answer all questions in my next video, but I WILL select a few to answer in upcoming quarterly video messages. Send your questions to me, Tony Murphy, at
Thank you!
Dr. Tony Murphy
Director, GLOBE Implementation Office
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office